Yearning For More Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the yearning for more of Jesus and find fulfillment in his love. Trust in his love forever

Yearning For More Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Yearning For More Of : Finding Fulfillment in His ” explores the deep desire within our hearts to experience a deeper connection with Jesus and his saving power. It emphasizes the importance of trusting his love, walking with him daily, and eagerly awaiting his glorious return. Through this yearning, we find fulfillment and purpose in his boundless love and .


Yearning For More Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Yearning for more of Jesus,
More of his saving power;
More of his sweet
Fill each passing hour.

Trusting his love forever;
Walking with him today:
Waiting for his appearing,
When sin shall flee .

Knowing that we have found him:
Sweet is the mem’ry still;
Still ever full his store house,
Manna, our to fill. [Chorus]

Yearning to bring him nearer,
Fullness of sweet desire;
All of his love receiving,
Wrapp’d in the Heavenly Fire. [Chorus]

Fitted to see his coming;
Ready to enter in;
Wearing the wedding garment,
Cleans’d from the stain of sin. [Chorus]

Ready to work for Jesus,
Seeing his day is nigh;
Oh, thou , ling’ring lost one,
Quick to thy Saviour fly. [Chorus]    

Meaning of Yearning For More Of Jesus

Yearning For More Of Jesus: Finding Fulfillment in His Love

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the deep yearning within our hearts to experience more of Jesus and his saving power. As we seek to understand the meaning of these words, we are invited to embark on a journey of faith, where we trust in Jesus’ love, walk with him each day, and eagerly await his glorious appearing when sin will be banished forever.

Trusting His Love Forever:

At the core of our yearning is a desire to trust Jesus’ love forever. We long to believe in his unwavering faithfulness and unconditional love for us. In a filled with uncertainties and difficulties, we find solace in knowing that Jesus is always by our side, carrying us through life’s challenges. When we trust his love, we can confidently face whatever comes our way, knowing that he will never leave us nor forsake us.

Walking with Him Today:

To experience more of Jesus, we are encouraged to walk with him daily. This means intentionally seeking his presence, guidance, and wisdom in all aspects of our lives. As we navigate through school, friendships, family, and personal struggles, we can turn to Jesus as our constant companion. Walking with him means inviting him into our thoughts, decisions, and actions, allowing his truth to shine through us in all that we do.

Waiting for His Appearing:

One of the most exciting aspects of our yearning for more of Jesus is the anticipation of his glorious appearing. While we may not know the exact time or manner of his return, we hold onto the hope that one day, sin will be vanquished, and Jesus will establish his everlasting kingdom. In the midst of a broken and hurting world, knowing that ultimate redemption and restoration are coming gives us strength and perseverance to press on.

Knowing that We Have Found Him:

When we look back on our journey with Jesus, the hymn reminds us of the joyous moment when we first found him. It is a memory that we treasure in our hearts, forever grateful for the transformation and salvation Jesus brings. Just as the Israelites found sustenance in the desert through manna, our souls are filled by Jesus’ abundant love and grace. Each day, we can draw from his storehouse, finding strength, peace, and in his presence.

Yearning to Bring Him Nearer:

Our yearning for more of Jesus often translates into an intense desire to draw closer to him. We long to experience the fullness of his love, to have our hearts set ablaze by the heavenly fire that only he can ignite. This desire goes beyond seeking blessings or personal gain but centers on deepening our relationship with Jesus. As we draw near to him, we are transformed from the inside out, reflecting his love and character to the world around us.

Fitted to See His Coming:

Yearning for more of Jesus also means preparing ourselves for his second coming. It involves living a life of holiness, purity, and , in anticipation of the day when we will stand before him. Through his grace and cleansing power, we are made ready to enter into his presence wearing the wedding garment, a symbol of our purification and forgiveness from sin. Each day is an opportunity to align our lives with his truth, seeking to honor and glorify him in all that we do.

Ready to Work for Jesus:

As followers of Jesus, our yearning for more of him is not limited to personal growth and transformation. We are also called to actively serve and work for him. The hymn reminds us that his day is drawing near, urging us to be diligent in spreading his love and message to those who have yet to find salvation in him. It is an invitation to share the hope and joy we have found in Jesus with others, encouraging them to quicken their steps and find solace in our Savior.

In conclusion, “Yearning For More Of Jesus” is a hymn that encapsulates the deep longing within our hearts to experience more of Jesus’ saving power, grace, and love. It reminds us of the importance of trust, daily companionship, and readiness for his glorious appearing. It also highlights the joy of knowing and being known by Jesus, and the responsibility we have to share his love with others. As we yearn for more of Jesus, we find true fulfillment and purpose in his boundless love, forever grateful for the salvation he offers.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the yearning for more of Jesus and find fulfillment in his love. Trust in his love forever, walk with him daily, and eagerly await his appearing. Discover the joy of knowing Jesus and share his love with others. Don't miss out on finding true fulfillment in his boundless love and salvation.


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