O Blessed Man That Walks Not In The Counsel of Ill Men – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy and blessings of choosing righteousness over the counsel of wicked people. Find guidance in the teachings of the Lord and avoid negative influences for a fulfilled and prosperous life.

O Blessed Man That Walks Not In The Counsel of Ill Men – Hymn Lyric



O Blessed Man That Walks Not In The Counsel of Ill Men – Hymn Lyric

O blessed man who walks not in the counsel of ill men,
Nor stands within the sinners’ way, nor scoffers’ seat sits in.
But on ‘s written law he places his delight;
And in his law he meditates, with pleasure day and .

For he is like a goodly tree by rivers planted near;
Which timely yields its fruit, whose leaf shall ever green appear:
And all he does shall prosper still. The ungodly are not so;
But like the chaff which by the wind is driven to and fro.

Therefore in judgment shall not such as ungodly are;
Nor in the assembly of the just shall sinful men appear.
Because the way of men The Lord approves and knows;
Whereas the way of evil men to sure destruction goes.


Meaning of O Blessed Man That Walks Not In The Counsel of Ill Men

O Blessed Man That Walks Not in the Counsel of Ill Men: Finding in Righteousness

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the joy and blessings that come to those who choose not to follow the advice of wicked people. It encourages us to seek and in the teachings of the Lord, rather than being influenced by those who lead sinful lives.

The hymn begins with the description of the blessed man, who consciously avoids the counsel of ill men. This implies the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences and avoiding negative influences that may lead us astray. The blessed man understands the significance of making wise choices in life and acknowledges the impact of the company we keep.

Furthermore, the hymn emphasizes the importance of meditating on the written law of Jehovah. The blessed man not only reads and follows the teachings of God but also finds delight in reflecting on and internalizing these teachings. This teaches us the value of constant reflection and staying connected to the divine word, allowing it to guide our thoughts and actions. By doing so, we can find joy and contentment day and night.

The hymn then presents a beautiful analogy to describe the blessed man. He is likened to a goodly tree planted by rivers. Just as the tree bears abundant fruit and its leaves stay evergreen, the blessed man’s life flourishes, yielding positive growth and spiritual abundance. This image serves as a powerful reminder of the benefits of living a righteous and virtuous life.

On the contrary, the hymn warns us of the fate of the ungodly. They are compared to chaff, which is easily swept away by the wind. This metaphor emphasizes the instability and transitory nature of wickedness. The ungodly may find temporary satisfaction in their actions, but in the end, their path leads to destruction and separation from God.

The hymn also speaks of judgment, stating that the ungodly shall not stand in judgment, nor shall sinful men appear among the assembly of the just. This highlights the significance of leading a righteous life, as it determines one’s in the eyes of the Lord. By following the ways of righteousness and avoiding sinful behavior, we can ensure that we are counted among the just and can stand confidently in judgment.

Ultimately, this hymn encourages us to choose the path of righteousness and seek approval from the Lord. It reminds us that God is aware of and approves the way of righteous men. By aligning our actions and thoughts with His teachings, we can find true happiness and fulfillment.

In a world where negative influences and surround us, it is essential to heed the message of this hymn. We should aspire to be the blessed man who finds joy in righteousness and walks confidently on the path approved by God. The assurance that our actions will prosper, and our lives will bear fruit, should motivate us to make virtuous choices and avoid the counsel of wicked individuals.

As we reflect on this hymn, let us remember the importance of seeking wisdom from the Lord and surrounding ourselves with positive influences. Let us find delight in meditating on His teachings day and night, allowing His word to guide us in all aspects of life.

May we all strive to be the blessed man or woman who walks not in the counsel of ill men, stands apart from sinners, and avoids the seat of scoffers. Let us grow as goodly trees, rooted in righteousness and bearing abundant fruit, knowing that our path leads to eternal joy and fulfillment.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joy and blessings of choosing righteousness over the counsel of wicked people. Find guidance in the teachings of the Lord and avoid negative influences for a fulfilled and prosperous life.


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