My Soul Had Wandered Far Away – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful hymn "My Soul Had Wandered Far Away" and embark on a journey of hope

My Soul Had Wandered Far Away – Hymn Lyric



My Soul Had Wandered Far Away – Hymn Lyric

My soul had wandered far away,
Tossed on a stormy sea;
I trusted Christ to save me for
I knew he died for me.

I knew he died for me, for me,
I knew he died for me,
I trusted him to save me for
I knew he died for me.

I see by the crimson stream,
The thorns that pierc’d his brow;
I feel the applied,
And know he saves me now.

I know he saves, he saves me now,
I know he saves me now,
I feel the precious blood applied,
And know he saves me now.

Close by his wounded, bleeding side
Forever let me ;
Let come what will, I trust and know
He keeps me day by day.

Oh, yes, he keeps me day by day,
He keeps me day by day,
Let come what will, I feel and know
He keeps me day by day.

My goes out in gratitude
For all his love to me,
And I intend to his
Thor’ all eternity.

Oh, yes! thro’ all eternity,
Thro’ all eternity,
And I intend to shout his praise
Thro’ all eternity.


Meaning of My Soul Had Wandered Far Away

“My Soul Had Wandered Far Away”—it’s a title that probably creates a vivid image in your mind, maybe of a person lost at sea or in a desert. This title, which is also the first verse of a powerful hymn, speaks of a soul that had strayed from its spiritual path but found its way back due to the immense love and grace of Christ. The hymn shows us a journey from despair to hope, from being lost to being found, and promises uplifting reassurance of Christ’s eternal salvation.

When we delve into the first verse, we see a soul that had wandered and was “tossed on a stormy sea.” Here, ‘the stormy sea’ is a metaphor describing the turbulent times we go through when we stray from the path of righteousness. However, no matter how lost or troubled, there is a beacon of hope in the shape of a trust placed on Christ to provide salvation, grounded in the knowledge of his ultimate sacrifice for humanity.

The chorus is a reiterated conviction about this salvation, a firm belief in Christ’s act of dying for our sins. There’s a powerful emotion expressed in these , indicating unwavering faith even in the face of adversity.

As the hymn progresses, it evokes visual and sensory imagery that encompasses the events of Christ’s Passion. Speaking of the ‘crimson stream’ and the ‘thorns that pierced His brow,’ it makes clear reference to His crucifixion. It ends, however, not in but in a confident affirmation that the poet feels Christ’s salvation here and now. It speaks of a faith so profound that the poet can feel “the precious blood applied” in personal redemption.

The following verses emphasize the importance of abiding with Christ. Close to his ‘wounded, bleeding side,’ the poet wishes to stay with a trust that Christ will keep him safe, regardless of what comes next. This enduring faith stands as a comforting reminder to us as well. No matter what trials we face, with Christ by our side, we can weather any storm.

The hymn reaches a climax of spiritual emotion in the final few lines. The poet’s heart bursts forth in gratitude for Christ’s love, pledging to proclaim His praises through all eternity. This is a profound display of love, not just for the saving act of Christ but for the continuous grace that fuels relentless faith.

Ultimately, the hymn “My Soul Had Wandered Far Away” is a tale of a spiritual journey, detailing the darkness of being lost, the comfort in being found, and the endless gratitude that comes from knowing that Christ’s sacrifice made this redemption possible. The hymn, especially for a 7th graders, serves as a metaphor for their own life journeys. Just like in the hymn, they are on a journey to understanding themselves and the world more wholly.

The twists and turns of this spiritual saga serve as an allegory for the experiences we all encounter in life’s journey. It encourages us to mend our wandering ways, draw close to Christ, allow His love to transform us, and have faith in His power to save.

The hymn’s title serves not just as an excellent SEO keyword but as a thematic representation of the hymn’s beautiful yet poignant narrative. It draws an audience seeking spiritual reassurance or those who are eager to strengthen their faith in Christ’s unending love and sacrifice. The honest portrayal of a soul in pursuit of salvation, the continuous affirmation of faith, and the swelling gratitude towards Christ’s love are what makes “My Soul Had Wandered Far Away” an unforgettable hymn of hope, faith, and redemption.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful hymn My Soul Had Wandered Far Away and embark on a journey of hope, faith, and redemption. Experience the unwavering love and grace of Christ through this inspiring narrative.


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