Great God Our Voice To Thee We Raise – Hymn Lyric

Experience the power of gratitude and spirituality with "Great God

Great God Our Voice To Thee We Raise – Hymn Lyric



Great God Our Voice To Thee We Raise – Hymn Lyric

Great God! our voice to Thee we raise,
Tune Thou our lips and hearts with praise,
Thy goodness to adore:
Our life, our health, and every friend,
From Thee arise- on Thee depend,
Kind Father of the poor.

Stretch o’er our heads Thy guardian wings,
Secure the weak, O King of kings!
Our shield and refuge be:
Thy , Lord, conduct our youth,
Thro’ , the life, the way, the truth,
That we may to Thee!

While friends their generous aid afford,
Accept the kind intention, Lord,
And crown it with Thy love;
Then joy shall tune our humble songs,
Till we shall join tongues
In nobler praise above.

Lord, let this work of love
Be crowned with full success!
Let thousands, yet unborn,
Thy sacred name here bless!
To Thee, O Lord, all praise to Thee
We’ll raise throughout eternity.


Meaning of Great God Our Voice To Thee We Raise

“Great God, Our Voice to Thee We Raise!” – a phrase that sparks a sense of aspiration, a notion of cherishing blessings, and the -startling feeling of endeavoring towards faithfulness. The resonates the essence of gratitude, spirituality, and benevolence deriving from the Almighty. Thus, it empowers us to acclimate such virtues and direct our attitude toward a life of amplifying benefits for others and praising our Creator.

The hymn implores us to seek harmony within our hearts and lips to effectively laud God’s benevolence. Praise isn’t just about uttering words; it’s about from the heart. The statement “Great God, Our Voice to Thee We Raise” emphasizes the importance of understanding, feeling, and conveying gratitude for His gifts. It highlights the fact that our life, health, and friendships are God-given blessings, reminding us to be constantly thankful for them.

A sense of safety and protection is dominant throughout the hymn. It pleads for God’s protective wings to shield the weak and act as a refuge. Christ, in His life, demonstrated the path of truth and urged everyone, especially the youth, to follow in His footsteps. The hymn invokes this teaching and encourages the younger generation to adopt virtuous ways to tread the journey of life.

This loving invocation warmly extends towards the inherent spirit of cooperation and mutual help among friends and loved ones. The hymn beautifully articulates the sentiment of accepting and appreciating the well-meaning intent of our friends’ assistance, drawing attention to the power of unity in our lives. And it isn’t merely about accepting help; it’s about acknowledging that even the mere intent of friends to aid is worthy of gratitude!

There’s a sudden shift in the mood of the hymn from this point. It shifts from imploring favors and expressing thankfulness towards rejoicing. Happiness here isn’t confined to temporary ecstatic excitement; it refers to the sublime joy of spiritual melody. The hymn envisions a realm where we join immortal voices, thereby implying the entities – the angels. The phase “Great God, Our Voice to Thee We Raise” thus symbolizes a harmonious human and spiritual band, singing the hymns of praise.

But the hymn doesn’t merely end at personal joy and gratitude. It extends beyond self, showing a concern and love towards humanity. The good work refers not only to praising God but also serving fellow beings. The hymn envisions a future where thousands yet unborn would bless the sacred name. This prophetic line sports an optimistic view of the future, where humanity cherishes the sacredness of God’s name.

“Great God, Our Voice to Thee We Raise” is more than a hymn; it’s a life’s philosophy, setting standards about how we must appreciate our blessings, seek divine guidance and protection, strive for spiritual harmony, value unity among friends, cherish a spirit of mutual help, and aim for serving humanity. And finally, it crystallizes the years-long yearning of humanity for eternal joy and happiness – a state of constant praise throughout eternity. Indeed, the hymn echoes the reality that true joy doesn’t lie in merely receiving divine favors; it lies in praising Him and extending our love to His beings.

Arguably then, “Great God, Our Voice to Thee We Raise” is more than a hymn; it’s an inspiration, a model to follow, an aspiration to dream, and a joy to cherish! As you ponder over the hymn’s lyrics, allow your heart to steep in the hymn’s spirit and let your soul resonate with “Great God, Our Voice to Thee We Raise.” Truly, the hymn guides you towards a journey filled with gratitude, spirituality, benevolence, mutual cooperation, shared happiness, service to humanity, and perpetual praise, a journey where you truly raise your voice to the Almighty. Happy praising!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the power of gratitude and spirituality with Great God, Our Voice to Thee We Raise! Discover the essence of faithfulness, benevolence, and eternal praise. Journey towards a life filled with blessings and serving humanity.


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