Come To The Fount Of Living Waters – Hymn Lyric

Discover solace and forgiveness in the hymn "Come To The Fount Of Living Waters." Find relief from weariness and burdens

Come To The Fount Of Living Waters – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Come To The Fount Of Living ,” invites us to find solace and forgiveness. The imagery of a refreshing fountain represents God’s and grace that are always available to us. The hymn emphasizes the role of God’s Holy Spirit in urging us to respond and warns of the dangers of delaying our decision to come to .


Come To The Fount Of Living Waters – Hymn Lyric

Come to the fount of living waters,
Come! come today,
Come, all ye weary sons and daughters,
Why do you still delay?

God the will forgive you;
Jesus is the way,
God’s Holy Spirit now is pleading;
Come, come without delay.

Come, though your burden may be heavy,
Now hear Him call,
Oh , ‘t you come to Jesus?
Make Him your all in all. [Refrain]

Come, while the Spirit now is striving,
Grieve not away,
Take up the cross and come to Jesus,
Danger is in delay. [Refrain]

Should you this day resist God’s calling,
Sad, sad your fate,
Heed now the warning, “Come to Jesus,”
Soon it will be too late. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Come To The Fount Of Living Waters

In life, we all face moments of weariness and burden. We may find ourselves searching for something that can bring us relief and us navigate through the challenges we encounter. The hymn “Come To The Fount Of Living Waters” reminds us of the invitation to find solace and forgiveness in God’s presence.

The very first verse invites us to approach the fount of living waters. Just like a fountain provides fresh and revitalizing water, God offers us a source of spiritual nourishment and satisfaction. This imagery is meant to paint a picture of God’s abundant love and grace, which are always available to us. The hymn goes on to ask us why we delay in to God. Perhaps we are hesitant or unsure, but the invitation is clear – come, come today.

The refrain of the hymn assures us that God the Father will forgive us. This is a powerful reminder that no matter what mistakes we have made or burdens we carry, God’s forgiveness is always extended to us. We all long for acceptance and second chances, and this hymn reinforces the idea that redemption and restoration can be found through Jesus, who is the way to God.

The hymn emphasizes the role of God’s Holy Spirit in pleading with us to come. The Holy Spirit is portrayed as actively striving and attempting to reach our hearts. It is a reminder that God is constantly pursuing a relationship with us and desires for us to come closer to Him. In our moments of hesitation or resistance, the hymn encourages us not to push away the Spirit’s conviction but to respond and take that step of faith.

The third verse addresses the notion of carrying heavy burdens. Life can often present challenges and difficulties that feel overwhelming. The hymn reminds us that Jesus calls us to Himself and invites us to make Him our all in all. In other words, we can find rest and relief by surrendering our burdens to Jesus. By entrusting our worries and concerns to Him, we allow Him to provide comfort and guidance, lightening our load.

Furthermore, the hymn warns us about the danger of delay. Sometimes, we may feel inclined to put off seeking God’s presence and putting our trust in Him. However, the hymn reminds us that delaying our response to God’s calling can lead to negative consequences. It portrays a sense of urgency, encouraging us not to resist but to come to Jesus without hesitation. The hymn’s message is clear – our eternal destiny is at stake, so we must heed the call and respond before it is too late.

In conclusion, the hymn “Come To The Fount Of Living Waters” offers a comforting and inviting message to those who feel weary, burdened, or in need of forgiveness. It assures us that God’s love and grace are always available to us, and it is never too late to come to Him. The hymn emphasizes the role of God’s Holy Spirit in pleading with us and warns us about the consequences of delaying our response. Let us take this invitation to and find solace and peace in the arms of our loving Father.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover solace and forgiveness in the hymn Come To The Fount Of Living Waters. Find relief from weariness and burdens, and respond to God's invitation today. Don't delay, come now!


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