Behold The Miracle Renewed – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of faith in the face of trials. "Behold The Miracle Renewed" captures the journey of believers through the fires of life. Stand firm and emerge unharmed

Behold The Miracle Renewed – Hymn Lyric

“Behold The Miracle Renewed” captures the essence of and perseverance in the face of trials. Like pioneers walking with Christ, we too face challenges and fires that test our commitment. Through our unwavering faith, we are kept safe and emerge from the flames purified and renewed.


Behold The Miracle Renewed – Hymn Lyric

Behold the miracle renewed!
Whom faith divine inspires,
We walk with Christ the Son of God
And praise Him in the fires:

Kept by His presence and His name,
Who earth and subdued,
We quench the violence of the flame,
Thro’ our Redeemer’s blood.

Tempted and persecuted here,
Afflicted and ,
With steadfast faith we persevere,
And stand the fiery test:

The fire shall all our bands consume,
And in the furnace tried,
Out of the flames we soon shall
Unhurt and purified.


Meaning of Behold The Miracle Renewed

Behold The Miracle Renewed: Perseverance Through Faith in the Fiery Trials

In our journey of faith, we are often faced with trials and challenges that test our commitment and belief in God. Just like the pioneers who walked with Christ, we too find ourselves walking with Him, even in the midst of fires. This beautifully captures the essence of our faith and the power it holds to quench the violence of the flame.

As believers, we are not exempt from temptation, persecution, , or distress. In fact, it is through these very struggles that our faith is refined. Just like gold is tested and purified in the furnace, we too are tested and refined through the flames of adversity. This hymn reminds us that we are not alone in our trials; Christ, the Son of God, walks alongside us and keeps us in His presence.

It is important to understand that our faith does not make us immune to hardships. Instead, it enables us to persevere in the face of adversity. With steadfast faith, we find the strength to endure and overcome the challenges that come our way. This perseverance is a testament to the power and of our Redeemer.

The flames may surround us, threatening to consume us, but we hold fast to our faith. We know that the fire will not destroy us, but rather, it will consume our bands and set us free. Through the trials we face, our faith grows stronger, and we emerge from the flames unharmed and revitalized.

The miracle of renewal lies in our ability to above the challenges and emerge victorious. It is through the power of faith that we are transformed, purified, and made resilient. Just as the phoenix rises from the ashes, we too are reborn through our trials.

When we face adversity, it may be tempting to give in or lose hope. However, this hymn reminds us of the power of faith and the strength it provides. It encourages us to stand firm, knowing that God’s presence is with us, guiding us every step of the way.

The hymn also emphasizes the role of Christ’s blood in quenching the violence of the flame. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross ensures our and redemption. It is through His blood that we are kept safe and secure, even in the most challenging times. His blood acts as a shield, protecting us from harm and reconciling us with God.

In conclusion, “Behold The Miracle Renewed” serves as a reminder of the power of faith and perseverance in the face of trials. It depicts the journey we all undertake as believers, walking with Christ through the fires of . Through the flames, we are refined and renewed, emerging stronger and more resilient. Let us hold fast to our faith, knowing that we are kept by His presence and His name. May this hymn inspire and encourage us to face every trial with unwavering faith, knowing that the miracle of renewal awaits us on the other side.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of faith in the face of trials. Behold The Miracle Renewed captures the journey of believers through the fires of life. Stand firm and emerge unharmed, purified, and renewed. Keep the flame of faith alive.


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