Many Precious Souls Are Drifting – Hymn Lyric

Many Precious Souls Are Drifting: Find Safety and Salvation in the Midst of Life's Storms. Reflect on your own choices and guide drifting souls towards the Savior's call.

Many Precious Souls Are Drifting – Hymn Lyric

Many Precious Souls Are : Finding in Life’s Storms Amidst the chaos of life’s temptations and turbulent waters, many precious souls are drifting with the tide of sin. This serves as a reminder to reflect on our own choices and where we stand in relation to the ‘s call. The urgency of finding salvation and extending a hand of love and compassion to those who are drifting is emphasized, as we all journey through life’s storms.


Many Precious Souls Are Drifting – Hymn Lyric

Many precious souls are drifting
With the awful tide of sin,
Heeding not the loving Savior,
Who would safely bring them in.

Where are you today, my brother?
Are you drifting with the tide,
Or upon the Rock of ages,
Does your trusting soul abide?

Soon the storm will break upon them,
Soon the endless will fall,
Yet they , and will not listen,
To the Savior’s call.


Day by day they near the breakers,
Hour by hour they near the grave,
Still they turn away from Jesus,
Who is reaching out to save.


Heed, O drifting soul, the warning,
Heed today the Pilot blest;
Let Him steer you to the harbor,
Where you may in safety rest.


Meaning of Many Precious Souls Are Drifting

Many Precious Souls Are Drifting: Finding Salvation in the Midst of Life’s Storms

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves encountering turbulent waters that threaten to sweep us away. Just like a river’s current, the tides of sin pull at our souls, enticing us to drift along with them. But amidst this chaos, there is a loving Savior who extends His hand, offering us a way to safety and salvation.

“Many precious souls are drifting with the awful tide of sin.” These words capture the reality of the world we live in. We see people all around us, disregarding the teachings of the Savior, and choosing to go their own way. They may not realize the danger that lies ahead, the storm that is about to break upon them.

The hymn poses a question, “Where are you today, my brother?” It is a call to self-reflection, a gentle reminder to examine our own lives. Are we drifting with the tide, going along with the flow of the world and its temptations? Or are we upon the Rock of Ages, firmly planted in our and trust in the Savior?

The choice is ours to make, and the consequences of that choice are great. “Soon the storm will break upon them, soon the endless night will fall.” These words remind us of the urgency of the situation. We cannot afford to delay our decision to follow Christ, for we do not know what tomorrow may bring.

But why do so many continue to drift, refusing to listen to the Savior’s call? The hymn points out that day by day, hour by hour, they draw closer to the breakers and the grave. It is a sad reality that some choose to turn away from Jesus, even when He is actively reaching out to save them.

Perhaps it is fear that holds them back, fear of surrendering control and submitting to a higher authority. Or maybe it is the allure of the world, with its promises of pleasure and fulfillment. Whatever the reasons may be, drifting souls need to heed the warning and seize the opportunity to find a safe harbor in the loving arms of the Pilot blest.

The hymn implores these drifting souls to listen, to pay attention to the Savior’s call. It urges them to take advantage of the opportunity to find rest and safety in Him. “Heed, O drifting soul, the warning, heed today the Pilot blest; let Him steer you to the harbor, where you may in safety rest.”

It is important to note that the hymn addresses these drifting souls as “precious.” Despite their choices and the they have taken, the Savior still sees the value in them. He yearns for their redemption and is willing to extend His grace and love to all who are willing to accept it.

So how can we apply these timeless truths to our own lives? First and foremost, we must examine our own hearts and ask ourselves where we stand. Are we anchored in our faith, or do we find ourselves drifting along with the ways of the world? It is never too late to re-evaluate and make a course correction if necessary.

Secondly, we should be aware of those around us who are drifting. They may be our friends, family members, or even strangers we encounter in our daily lives. Let us not judge or condemn, but rather extend a hand of love and compassion, just as the Savior has done for us.

Lastly, let us never forget the urgency of the situation. The storm will break upon all of us, believers and drifters alike. We have a responsibility to share the hope and salvation we have found in Christ, for we never know when someone’s heart may be softened and receptive to the Savior’s call.

In conclusion, the hymn “Many Precious Souls Are Drifting” serves as a timeless reminder of the choices we face in life. It is a call to self-reflection, a plea to listen to the Savior’s call, and a reminder of the urgency of finding salvation in the midst of life’s storms. May we all strive to be anchored upon the Rock of Ages, reaching out to those who are drifting, and sharing the love and hope we have found in Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Many Precious Souls Are Drifting: Find Safety and Salvation in the Midst of Life's Storms. Reflect on your own choices and guide drifting souls towards the Savior's call.


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