I Will Sing Of My Redeemer Jesus Lord – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ in the hymn "I Will Sing Of My Redeemer Jesus Lord." Reflect on his death

I Will Sing Of My Redeemer Jesus Lord – Hymn Lyric

“I Will Sing Of My Jesus Lord” is a hymn that beautifully expresses the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Its words encourage believers to reflect on the depth of Jesus’ love, the agony he endured on the cross, and the triumph of his resurrection. Through its powerful message, this hymn invites us to praise and share the of our Redeemer with hearts.


I Will Sing Of My Redeemer Jesus Lord – Hymn Lyric

I will sing of my Redeemer,
Jesus, Lord, who died for me;
How he left the courts of ,
Son of God, yet man to be,

Meek and lowly, condescending,
The God!

Yes, I’ll praise my Redeemer,
For his wondrous love to me,
Love abounding, love excelling,
Paid my debt and set me free;
! I will praise him,
For he gave his life for me.

For my sins he paid the ransom,
Shed his blood upon the tree;
One the cruel cross suspended,
There he died in agony,

Crowned with thorns, mocked and derided,
Jesus crucified!


I will praise my ris’n Redeemer,
Christ, the resurrected Lord;
For he rose o’er death triumphant,
And fulfilled thus his word:

“Death and hell I came to conquer,”
Dear avenging Lord!


I will praise him up in glory,
Sing his dear, redeeming love;
And to angels tell his story
Of the Lamb who sits above,

All the shining hosts of ,
Jesus, glorified!


Meaning of I Will Sing Of My Redeemer Jesus Lord

I Will Sing Of My Redeemer Jesus Lord: Exploring the Love and Sacrifice of Jesus

In the hymn “I Will Sing Of My Redeemer Jesus Lord,” the lyrics beautifully express the deep gratitude and admiration for Jesus Christ, who willingly gave up his place in the courts of glory to become a man and ultimately died for our sins. This powerful hymn encourages us to reflect on the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus, which paid our debt and set us free.

The verse begins by stating, “I will sing of my Redeemer, Jesus, Lord, who died for me.” These words remind us of the personal relationship we can have with Jesus. He is not some distant figure but someone who died specifically for each one of us. The hymn then goes on to describe how Jesus, as the Son of God, humbled himself to become a man. This act of condescension shows his deep love and desire to save humanity.

The refrain reiterates the theme of praise and gratitude. It emphasizes the wondrous love of Jesus, which surpasses all else. His love knows no bounds, and it excels in every way. It was this love that motivated him to pay our debt and set us free. The hymn encourages us to join in singing hallelujah, praising him for his incredible sacrifice.

The second verse focuses on the crucifixion of Jesus. It speaks of how he paid the ransom for our sins and shed his blood upon the tree. These words vividly portray the agonizing sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. He willingly endured the cruelty of the cross, enduring thorns, mockery, and derision. Jesus’ crucifixion was a physical and emotional ordeal, but it was through this suffering that he brought redemption and forgiveness to us.

As the hymn progresses, it shifts its focus to the resurrection of Jesus. The third verse declares praise for the risen Redeemer, the resurrected Lord. It highlights the triumph over death that Jesus achieved, fulfilling his word that he came to conquer death and hell. This resurrection power gives us hope and assurance that we too can experience life through faith in Jesus.

The final verse speaks of praising Jesus in glory. It paints a beautiful picture of singing about his redeeming love and sharing his story with the angels in heaven. Here, we see Jesus exalted and glorified, surrounded by the shining hosts of heaven. This verse reminds us that our praise and adoration of Jesus extend beyond our earthly lives, continuing into .

The hymn “I Will Sing Of My Redeemer Jesus Lord” encapsulates the core message of Christianity, highlighting the love, sacrifice, and triumph of Jesus Christ. Through its beautiful words and melody, it encourages believers to reflect on the deep significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection. It reminds us of the immense debt of gratitude we owe to our Redeemer, who willingly laid down his life for our sake.

As we sing this hymn and ponder its lyrics, may we be inspired to live lives that reflect the love and sacrifice of Jesus. May we join our voices with believers throughout the ages, praising our dear Redeemer for his wondrous love that knows no bounds. And may we strive to share his story, not just with the angels in heaven, but with all those around us who have yet to experience the transforming power of Jesus’ redeeming love.

In conclusion, “I Will Sing Of My Redeemer Jesus Lord” is a hymn that beautifully expresses the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Its words encourage believers to reflect on the depth of Jesus’ love, the agony he endured on the cross, and the triumph of his resurrection. Through its powerful message, this hymn invites us to praise and share the story of our Redeemer with joyful hearts. As we sing these lyrics, let us remember the immense debt we owe to Jesus and strive to live lives that honor and glorify him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ in the hymn I Will Sing Of My Redeemer Jesus Lord. Reflect on his death, resurrection, and how his wondrous love set us free. Join in praising our dear Redeemer and share his story with others.


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