Come All Who Love My Lord And Master – Hymn Lyric

Find redemption and hope in the hymn "Come All Who Love My Lord And Master." Learn about faith

Come All Who Love My Lord And Master – Hymn Lyric

“Come All Who Love My Lord And Master” is a powerful hymn that invites all who love to gather and share in the story of redemption. Through heartfelt expressions and imagery, the hymn teaches us about the journey of faith and the ultimate hope that awaits us. It reminds us that no matter our past or struggles, we can find forgiveness and new life in Christ.


Come All Who Love My Lord And Master – Hymn Lyric

Come all, who love my Lord and master,
And like old David, I will tell,
Though chief of , I’ve found favor,
Redeemed by grace from death and hell.

Far as the east from west is parted,
So far my sins by’s dying love,
From me by faith are separated,
blest antepast of joys above.

I late estranged from Jesus wandered,
And thought each dangerous poison good,
But he in long pursued me,
With cries of his redeeming blood.

Though like Bartimeus I was blinded,
In nature’s darkest night concealed,
But Jesus’ love removed my blindness,
And he his pardoning grace revealed.

Now I will praise him, he spares me,
And with his people sing aloud,
Though opposed, and sinners mock me,
In rapturous songs I’ll praise my God.

By faith I view the concert,
They sing high strains of Jesus’ love
O! with my soul is longing,
And fain would be with Christ above.

That blessed day is fast approaching,
When Christ in glorious clouds will come,
With sounding trumps and shouts of angels
To call each faithful spirit .

There’s Abraham, Isaac, holy prophets,
And all the saints at God’s right hand,
There hosts of angels join in concert,
Shout as they reach the promised land.


Meaning of Come All Who Love My Lord And Master

Come All Who Love My Lord And Master: A Hymn of Redemption and Hope

In our hymn “Come All Who Love My Lord And Master,” we find the powerful words of someone who has experienced the transformative love and grace of Jesus Christ. Through the beautiful imagery and heartfelt expressions, this hymn teaches us about the journey of faith, redemption, and the ultimate hope that awaits us.

The hymn begins by inviting all who love the Lord and Master to gather together and share in the story of redemption. The author, like the biblical figure David, wants to share their personal testimony of how they, as a , have found favor and been saved from death and hell by the unmerited grace of Jesus. It is a testament to the boundless love of God that can separate our sins from us as far as the east is from the west.

The author reflects on their past, when they were estranged from Jesus and fell into the allure of dangerous poisons. However, even in their lowest moments, they were not abandoned. Jesus, in his mercy, pursued them relentlessly, calling out with the redeeming power of his blood. The experience is likened to the biblical story of Bartimaeus, a blind man who received his sight when Jesus passed by. Through Jesus’ love, the author’s spiritual blindness was lifted, and the grace of forgiveness was revealed.

Now the author feels compelled to praise the Lord, for he has spared them and allowed them to be counted among his people. This joyous celebration is not without opposition, as sinners may mock and deride them. Nevertheless, their heart is filled with rapturous songs of praise for their God, who has brought them out of into his marvelous light.

Through faith, the author catches a glimpse of the heavenly concert, where the saints and angels sing high strains of Jesus’ love. The desire to be with Christ above burns within their soul, as they long for the day when they will join this celestial chorus. This anticipation is grounded in the belief that a blessed day is swiftly approaching, when Christ will return in . With resounding trumpets and shouts of angels, he will gather all faithful spirits to their eternal home.

As the hymn comes to a close, the author envisions the gathering of all the faithful. Abraham, Isaac, the holy prophets, and all the saints stand at God’s right hand, while hosts of angels join in the heavenly concert. It is a scene of pure joy and exultation, as they enter the promised land together, unified in their love for the Lord.

“Come All Who Love My Lord And Master” is a hymn that beautifully encapsulates the journey of faith and the hope that sustains believers. It speaks to the personal experience of redemption and the profound impact that Jesus’ love can have on an individual’s life. It reminds us that no matter our past sins or struggles, we can find forgiveness and new life in Christ. As we sing these words, may they resonate deep within our hearts, inspiring us to embrace the love and grace of our Lord and Savior.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find redemption and hope in the hymn Come All Who Love My Lord And Master. Learn about faith, grace, and the ultimate joy that awaits believers.


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