When Jesus Came To Bethlehem – Hymn Lyric

Discover the significance of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem and how it relates to our lives. Sing His praises

When Jesus Came To Bethlehem – Hymn Lyric

When To Bethlehem, a hymn that captures the awe and wonder of Jesus’ birth, reminds us to sing His praises and accept Him as our Savior. Jesus came for all people, regardless of their background, and offers us forgiveness and transformation. As we reflect on the meaning of Jesus’ birth, we are called to trust Him, for Him, and look forward to the of .


When Jesus Came To Bethlehem – Hymn Lyric

When Jesus came to Bethlehem,
And in a manger lay,
The angels told the shepherds where
To find Him right away.

So with the angels now I sing
His praises ev’ry day,
And call Him my dear Savior, too,
Who took my sins away.

I go to Him with all my heart
And tell Him all I know;
I say, dear Savior, take my heart,
And wash it white as snow.


And then He makes my heart so glad,
He makes me white within;
He takes my naughty sins away,
And makes me feel so clean.


So now I mean to work for Him,
And trust Him ev’ry day,
Till in His gentle arms He takes
Me up to heav’n to stay.


Meaning of When Jesus Came To Bethlehem

When Jesus came to Bethlehem, it was a momentous occasion that changed the course of history. This hymn beautifully captures the awe and wonder of that night, as the angels proclaimed the good news to the shepherds. The refrain of the hymn reminds us to sing His praises every day and to call Him our dear Savior, who took away our sins. In this article, we will delve deeper into the significance of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem and explore how it relates to our own lives.

Bethlehem, a small town in Judea, held great significance in the biblical narrative. It was the birthplace of King David, who was an ancestor of Jesus. The prophecy of the Messiah being born in Bethlehem was fulfilled on that miraculous night. The setting of a manger highlights the contrast between Jesus, the King of Kings, and His lowly beginnings. This is a reminder that God often works in unexpected ways and chooses the humble and the lowly to fulfill His plans.

The angels played a crucial role in announcing the birth of Jesus to the shepherds. The fact that the angels chose to reveal this great news to shepherds, who were considered outcasts in society, is significant. It emphasizes that Jesus came for all people, regardless of their status or background. Just as the angels proclaimed the good news to the shepherds, we too are called to share the message of Jesus with others.

The refrain of the hymn speaks of singing His praises every day and acknowledging Him as our Savior. As 7th graders, we may not fully grasp the weight of our sins, but we can still understand the importance of asking Jesus to wash our hearts white as snow. Jesus offers us forgiveness and the opportunity to start anew. By accepting Him as our Savior, we can experience the joy and peace that comes from being in a relationship with Him.

The hymn also talks about Jesus making our hearts glad and transforming us from the inside out. When we invite Jesus into our lives, He not only forgives our sins but also fills us with His love and joy. He takes away our naughty sins and makes us feel clean. This transformation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong process of growth and surrender to His will.

In response to the love and we have received, the hymn encourages us to work for Him and trust Him every day. This means living out our faith in practical ways, showing kindness and compassion to others, and seeking to honor Him in all that we do. We can trust that Jesus will guide us and provide for us as we seek to follow Him faithfully.

Ultimately, the hymn points us to the hope of heaven, where we will be united with Jesus forever. Just as the hymn says, we long for the day when Jesus takes us up to heaven to stay. This reminds us that our time on earth is temporary and that our ultimate home is with Him in eternity. It is a comforting thought that we have a Savior who not only forgives us but also promises us in His presence.

In conclusion, the hymn “When Jesus Came To Bethlehem” beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ birth and the impact it has on our lives. It reminds us to sing His praises, accept Him as our Savior, and trust Him every day. It teaches us that Jesus came for all people, regardless of their background or status, and that He offers us forgiveness and transformation. As we reflect on the meaning of Jesus’ birth, may our hearts be filled with and may we strive to live for Him each day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the significance of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem and how it relates to our lives. Sing His praises, accept Him as our Savior, and trust Him every day. Learn about forgiveness and transformation.


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