I Will Trust In The Lord For His Love Will Endure – Hymn Lyric

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I Will Trust In The Lord For His Love Will Endure – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “I Will Trust In The Lord For His Will Endure,” we are reminded of God’s unwavering love and . This hymn brings reassurance in times of difficulty and uncertainty, reminding us that no matter what we face, we can trust in God’s enduring love. By trusting in Him, we can find strength, peace, and guidance throughout our journey of life.


I Will Trust In The Lord For His Love Will Endure – Hymn Lyric

I will trust in the Lord, for His love will endure,
And I know that He faithful will be.
I will rest in His love for His promise is sure;
He will save me, yes, save even me.

Yes, I’ll trust Him ev’ry day, follow all the way,
I’ll trust Him till heaven I see;
I will live in His till I see His dear face,
For I know that He loves even me.

When temptations may come He can keep me from ,
And no tempest or foe I fear;
He the tempest will still and the battle will win,
If I trust in my Savior so dear. [Refrain]

I will trust in His love, tho’ He leads through the vale
Where shadows may darken the way,
For the light above and a flowery dale
I will find if I trust Him each day. [Refrain]    

Meaning of I Will Trust In The Lord For His Love Will Endure

I Will Trust In The Lord For His Love Will Endure: Finding Strength and Peace

In times of difficulty and uncertainty, it can be challenging to find something or someone to trust in. But in the hymn “I Will Trust In The Lord For His Love Will Endure,” we are reminded of the unwavering love and faithfulness of the Lord. This hymn brings reassurance that no matter what we face, we can trust in God’s love to endure.

Throughout our lives, we encounter various situations that test our faith and make us question if we are truly loved and cared for. It is in these moments that we need to remember the words of this hymn, promising us that God’s love will endure. No matter what we may be going through, God’s love remains constant and . It is a love that will never fade or diminish, even during our darkest days.

When we trust in the Lord, we can rest in His love and find solace in His promises. In the hymn, it says, “I will rest in His love, for His promise is sure.” This assurance should give us the courage to face any challenges that come our way. We can let go of our worries and doubts, knowing that God will save us, even in our weakest moments.

Trusting in God also means relying on His strength to resist temptations and overcome sin. The hymn acknowledges that “when temptations may come, He can keep me from sin.” The Lord is our refuge and source of power. By placing our trust in Him, we can find the strength to resist temptation and stay on the path of righteousness. We need not fear any storm or battle, for God is with us, to calm the tempest and bring .

Sometimes, the journey of life leads us through dark valleys where shadows may darken our path. But even in these challenging times, we can trust in God’s love and guidance. The hymn says, “I will trust in His love, tho’ He leads through the vale.” Though we may not always understand why we face certain difficulties, we can be confident that God’s love will light the way and lead us to a place of peace and comfort.

Trusting in the Lord requires faith and a willingness to follow Him wholeheartedly. The hymn encourages us to “trust Him every day, follow all the way.” This trust is not a one-time decision but a daily commitment. It means surrendering our fears, worries, and doubts to God, and believing that He will guide us faithfully.

As we live in God’s grace, we are reminded that His love extends to every single one of us, regardless of our flaws and mistakes. The hymn boldly proclaims, “For I know that He loves even me.” This truth should fill our hearts with and gratitude, knowing that we are loved unconditionally by our Creator.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Will Trust In The Lord For His Love Will Endure” provides us with a powerful message of hope, strength, and peace. It reminds us that no matter what challenges we face, God’s love remains constant. By trusting in Him, we can find rest, resist temptation, and navigate through the darkest valleys with the assurance that His love will endure. May we hold onto these words and live each day with unwavering trust in the Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find strength, peace, and unwavering trust in the Lord's enduring love with the hymn I Will Trust In The Lord For His Love Will Endure. Discover how His love remains constant in times of difficulty and uncertainty.


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