Jesus Calls For Thee O Soul – Hymn Lyric

Experience the love and grace of Jesus as He calls you home. Don't hesitate to accept His invitation to find rest

Jesus Calls For Thee O Soul – Hymn Lyric

This engaging summary optimized for the keyword “Jesus Calls For O Soul” captures the message of the . It emphasizes Jesus’ inviting and loving nature as He calls us to come home and experience rest, forgiveness, and salvation. The summary encourages us to respond to His call with open hearts, trusting in His words and embracing His love.


Jesus Calls For Thee O Soul – Hymn Lyric

Jesus calls for thee, O soul;
Oh, in sin why stay away?
Shame and guilt thy heart control;
Jesus calls thee home today.

Calling, calling,
Jesus is calling thee home today;
Calling, calling,
He’s calling thee home today.

Jesus died that He might save
Weary hearts that sigh for rest;
Oh, believe the word He ;
Trust in Him, and art blest.


Though through sin thy death be sure,
Jesus’ blood can wash away
All thy guilt, and make thee pure;
Oh, then come, make no delay.


Meaning of Jesus Calls For Thee O Soul

In this beautiful hymn titled “Jesus Calls For Thee O Soul,” we are reminded of the wonderful love and grace of our Savior. Through its inspiring words, we are invited to reflect on the importance of accepting Jesus’ call to come home and experience the rest and peace that only He can provide.

The first verse of the hymn encourages us to ponder why we would choose to stay away from Jesus when He is calling for us. In a friendly tone, we can imagine Jesus saying, “Hey there, ! Why are you staying away from me? Don’t let shame and guilt control your heart. I’m here to offer you a fresh start. Come home to me today!” This invitation is not one of judgment or condemnation but rather a loving call to be reconciled with our Savior.

The refrain of the hymn reinforces this message by emphasizing that Jesus is indeed calling us home. It repeats the phrase, “Calling, calling, Jesus is calling thee home today,” as if Jesus is eagerly reaching out to us, longing for us to respond to His call. It’s like hearing our best friend’s voice, calling out to us, wanting us to come and spend time with them. Jesus is extending His hand, ready to guide us back to Him.

The second verse reminds us of the reason behind Jesus’ call. He died on the cross to save us and bring rest to our weary hearts. It’s as if Jesus lovingly says, “You don’t have to carry the burdens of alone, my friend. I gave my life for you so that you can find rest and peace in me. Just believe in the words I have spoken, trust in me, and you will be blessed.” Jesus offers us more than just temporary relief; He offers us eternal rest and salvation.

The refrain continues to echo the same message, emphasizing Jesus’ persistent call and His for us to come home to Him. It’s like hearing our name being called from a distance, and the more we , the clearer Jesus’ voice becomes. He wants us to know that He is patiently waiting for us, ready to forgive, cleanse, and renew us.

In the final verse, the hymn acknowledges that our sin leads to death. We may feel unworthy or stained by our actions, but the good news is that Jesus’ blood can wash away all our guilt and make us pure again. It’s like Jesus gently saying, “Don’t let your past mistakes hold you back, my friend. I have paid the price for your sins, and my love and forgiveness are greater than any stain you may carry. All you have to do is come to me, and I will make you clean.”

The refrain serves as a comforting reminder, reinforcing the message that Jesus is calling us, urging us to not delay. He longs for us to accept His invitation, to let go of our doubts and fears, and embrace His unconditional love. Each time the refrain is sung, it’s a reminder that Jesus’ call is ongoing, and it’s never too late to respond. His love and grace are always available to us.

In conclusion, “Jesus Calls For Thee O Soul” is a hymn that beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ inviting and loving nature. In a friendly and approachable tone, it reminds us that Jesus is calling us home, desiring to bring rest, forgiveness, and salvation to our lives. Let us not ignore His call but instead respond with open hearts, trusting in His words and embracing His love. Jesus is calling, calling, and He wants us to come home today.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the love and grace of Jesus as He calls you home. Don't hesitate to accept His invitation to find rest, forgiveness, and salvation. Jesus is calling you today!


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