Shall My Soul Ascend With Rapture – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Hope of Eternal Life: Shall My Soul Ascend With Rapture. Explore the wonders that await in the realms beyond the skies. Rejoice in the promise of rest

Shall My Soul Ascend With Rapture – Hymn Lyric

My Soul Ascend With Rapture: Exploring the Hope of Eternal Life” is a hymn that beautifully captures the longing for life beyond this world. It raises questions about the nature of the soul and ponders the wonders that await in realms. This powerful hymn reminds us to press on towards glory and seek the eternal rest and joy that can only be found with Jesus.


Shall My Soul Ascend With Rapture – Hymn Lyric

Shall my soul ascend with rapture
When the day of life is past;
While my house of clay shall slumber,
Shall I then with Jesus rest?”

“O my soul, press on to glory!
Worlds of bliss invite on,”
Evermore to be with Jesus,
When this walk on earth is done.

“Oh, shall my immortal ,”
Holden now by earthly ties,
Have at last unbounded freedom
In those realms beyond the skies?


Shall mine eyes indeed see Jesus,
He the humble Man of God,
Who laid down His life a ransom,
He who saves me by His blood?


Shall mine ears strains of music
From the glad and ransomed throng;
Shall I join with them in praises?
With them sing the glad, new ?


Shall my soul arise in triumph
When the angel calls for me;
Gladly go with Him to glory,
There to dwell eternally?


Meaning of Shall My Soul Ascend With Rapture

Shall My Soul Ascend With Rapture: Exploring the Hope of Eternal Life

The hymn “Shall My Soul Ascend With Rapture” beautifully captures the hope and longing for eternal life with Jesus. In this hymn, the songwriter ponders the nature of life beyond this earthly existence and imagines the wonders that await in the realms beyond the skies.

The first verse raises the question of what will happen to our souls after our bodies cease to exist. It acknowledges the temporary nature of our earthly dwellings, referring to our bodies as mere “houses of clay” that will eventually slumber. This contemplation prompts a yearning for the rest and that can only be found in the presence of Jesus.

The refrain serves as a reminder to the soul to press on towards glory. It encourages the soul to look beyond the trials and tribulations of life and to focus instead on the promise of everlasting joy and bliss. The refrain also highlights the invitation extended to every soul to be with Jesus when the journey on this earth is complete.

The second verse reflects on the limitations of our mortal existence and the freedom that awaits our immortal spirits in the realms beyond. While our souls may be tied to this earthly plane for now, the hymn suggests that in eternity, they will experience unbounded freedom. This imagery paints a picture of liberation and release from the constraints of earthly life.

The third verse contemplates the possibility of seeing Jesus face to face in the afterlife. In awe and wonder, the songwriter wonders if they will be privileged to gaze upon the humble man of God who sacrificed His life as a ransom for our sins. The hymn presents Jesus as the Savior who saves us through His blood, emphasizing the immense love and grace that awaits us in the celestial realms.

The hymn then imagines the sounds of heavenly music filling the air in the fourth verse. It depicts a ransomed throng joyfully singing praises to God, inviting the listener to envision joining in this magnificent chorus. The idea of participating in the and unity of a redeemed community resonates deeply, offering solace and hope in difficult times.

The final verse paints a picture of triumph and victory when the angel calls for the soul. The hymn envisions the soul gladly responding to the angel’s summons and ascending to glory with them. The prospect of dwelling eternally in the presence of God is a cause for great rejoicing and celebration, providing a sense of purpose and fulfillment to the soul’s longings.

In conclusion, “Shall My Soul Ascend With Rapture” embodies the hope and anticipation of eternal life with Jesus. It explores the themes of rest, freedom, seeing Jesus, joining in heavenly praises, and triumphant ascent to glory. This powerful hymn speaks to the deepest longings of the human spirit, offering comfort, assurance, and a sense of purpose that transcends the trials and uncertainties of earthly existence. May its words to inspire and uplift souls as they journey towards the glorious realms beyond the skies.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Hope of Eternal Life: Shall My Soul Ascend With Rapture. Explore the wonders that await in the realms beyond the skies. Rejoice in the promise of rest, freedom, and everlasting joy with Jesus.


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