There Are Souls To Save – Hymn Lyric

Discover the importance of reaching out to lost souls in the hymn "There Are Souls to Save

There Are Souls To Save – Hymn Lyric

There Are to Save: A Gracious Work of Salvation “There Are Souls to Save” reminds us of our duty to lost souls back to God’s loving embrace. This hymn calls for compassion and urgency, highlighting the importance of rescuing those who have strayed from the Shepherd’s fold. Engaging in this mission is both wise and rewarding, offering the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of these precious souls.


There Are Souls To Save – Hymn Lyric

There are souls to save, souls of young and old,
Wand’ring far from God, from the Shepherd’s fold;
They have stray’d in the paths of sin,
These are they whom for us it is wise to win.

Bring them in, O let us bring them in,
For the Saviour tells us it is wise to win
Precious souls for whom He died
From the crooked paths of sin.

What a gracious work precious souls to save!
Since the Himself the commission
From the snares of death and the ways of sin,
By His help, each of us may the lost one win.


Then in that great day, when before His throne
We shall stand with those whom the Lord will own,
We shall hear Him say unto us, “Well done,
There’s a crown, there’s a robe for the souls you’ve won.”


Meaning of There Are Souls To Save

There Are Souls to Save: A Gracious Work of Salvation


In the beautiful hymn, “There Are Souls to Save,” the heartfelt words invite us to reflect on the importance of reaching out to those who have strayed away from God’s loving embrace. With a deep sense of urgency and a tender call for compassion, the hymn reminds us that we all have a role to play in bringing these wandering souls back to the Shepherd’s fold. In this article, we will explore the significance of this mission and the immense rewards that await those who actively participate in the salvation of precious souls.

The Souls We Seek:

The hymn speaks of souls of “young and old” who have found themselves far from God and the security of the Shepherd’s fold. It is a reminder that salvation knows no age boundaries and that every individual, regardless of their stage in , is in need of divine grace. Whether it be the innocence of that has been led astray or the experience of a lifetime that has veered off course, these souls require our steadfast efforts.

The Paths of Sin:

The hymn goes on to acknowledge that the souls we seek have “stray’d away in the paths of sin.” It is a sobering reality that countless people find themselves entangled in the temptations and pitfalls of a world that offers temporary pleasure but ultimately leads to destruction. As followers of Christ, we are called to offer hope and a way out of these crooked paths, extending an invitation for redemption and transformation.

The Wise Commission:

The hymn underscores the wise commission given to us by the Savior Himself to win these precious souls. It serves as a powerful reminder that we are not alone in this mission, but rather, we represent the hands and feet of Christ on earth. By embracing this divine responsibility, we become vessels of God’s love, mercy, and grace in a broken world. It is through our actions, words, and genuine care for these wandering souls that we can make a real difference in their lives.

The Gracious Work:

The hymn beautifully describes the task of saving souls as a “gracious work.” Salvation is not confined to the realm of religion but extends to the very core of our humanity. When we embark on the of reaching out to lost souls, we participate in a work that is both noble and humbling. It is a calling that invites us to see beyond surface appearances and recognize the inherent worth and potential within each person, reminding us that salvation is possible for all.

The Snares of Death:

The hymn acknowledges the sheer danger faced by those who have strayed from God’s path. The “snares of death” represent the entrapments and perils that await those who persist in the ways of sin. By extending a hand of compassion and pointing them towards the of salvation, we offer a lifeline that has the power to rescue them from spiritual death. In doing so, we become agents of life, nurturing the hope that exists even in the darkest corners of despair.

The Great Day:

The hymn concludes with a vision of the day when we’ll stand alongside those we’ve managed to bring back to the Shepherd’s fold. This day represents the culmination of our efforts, the ultimate affirmation from the Lord Himself for a job well done. As we hear the words, “Well done, there’s a crown, there’s a robe for the souls you’ve won,” we are reminded that our work does not go unnoticed or unrewarded. The joy of seeing transformed lives and witnessing the restoration of souls is an immeasurable gift that those who faithfully engage in this mission.


In the inspiring hymn, “There Are Souls to Save,” we are reminded of the precious souls who have strayed away from God’s love and our responsibility to bring them back. As believers, we are called to participate in the gracious work of salvation, extending hope and redemption to those who have lost their way. This work is not only wise and meaningful but also carries with it the promise of crowns and robes in the presence of our heavenly Father. May we be motivated by love, sustained by faith, and empowered by the Holy Spirit as we fervently seek to bring these souls into the everlasting embrace of our loving Shepherd.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the importance of reaching out to lost souls in the hymn There Are Souls to Save, and the rewards that await those who actively participate in the gracious work of salvation. Let's bring them in!


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