I’ve Been Redeemed Through Jesus Precious Blood – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate the power of redemption through Jesus' precious blood. Explore the transformative grace and joy found in the hymn "I've Been Redeemed Through Jesus' Precious Blood."

I’ve Been Redeemed Through Jesus Precious Blood – Hymn Lyric

“I’ve Been Redeemed Through ‘ Precious Blood” is a powerful that celebrates the transformative power of Jesus’ sacrifice. The lyrics emphasize our need for redemption and the joy and gratitude that comes from accepting Jesus as our . Through its verses, this hymn reminds us of the hope and assurance we have in our future with Jesus.


I’ve Been Redeemed Through Jesus Precious Blood – Hymn Lyric

I’ve been redeemed thro’ Jesus’ precious blood,
My sinful soul is reconciled to God;
Washed white as snow, my thankful song I sing,
Giving all praise my Lord, my King.

I’ve been redeemed, all to his name!
Jesus has saved me thro’ his own wondrous grace;
Here I will sing, until the time shall come
When over yonder I’ll meet him face to face.

I’ve been redeemed! My soul shall mount above
Earth’s sinful to dwell with him I love,
Who, by his death upon the cruel tree,
Purchased my pardon there and set me free.

I’ve been redeemed, all glory to his name!
Jesus has saved me thro’ his own wondrous grace;
Here I will sing, until the time shall come
When over yonder I’ll meet him face to face.

I’ve been redeemed, and I shall see his face,
Singing the song, “He saved me by his grace.”
O blessed thought! For e’er with him to stay,
Ever with friends I love to dwell for aye.

I’ve been redeemed, all glory to his name!
Jesus has saved me thro’ his own wondrous grace;
Here I will sing, until the time shall come
When over yonder I’ll meet him face to face.

I’ve been redeemed; I’m sure to reach that
Jesus prepared, from thence no more to roam.
My ransomed soul shall rise on wings of love,
Seeking a home eternal, built above.

I’ve been redeemed, all glory to his name!
Jesus has saved me thro’ his own wondrous grace;
Here I will sing, until the time shall come
When over yonder I’ll meet him face to face.


Meaning of I’ve Been Redeemed Through Jesus Precious Blood

I’ve Been Redeemed Through Jesus’ Precious Blood: Celebrating the Power of Salvation

Have you ever felt a profound sense of gratitude and joy, a feeling of peace and freedom that seems to consume your soul? That’s exactly how I feel when I sing the hymn, “I’ve Been Redeemed Through Jesus’ Precious Blood.” In this powerful song, we are reminded of the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the transformative power of his grace. Let’s delve deeper into the verses of this hymn and explore the profound meaning behind its words.

The first verse resonates with the idea that we are all sinful beings, separated from God. It acknowledges our need for redemption and points to the solution – the precious blood of Jesus. Through his sacrifice, our souls are reconciled to God, and we are washed clean, like snow. This imagery represents the forgiveness and purity that comes from accepting Jesus as our Savior.

The refrain echoes the central message of the hymn – we have been redeemed! It celebrates the glory of Jesus’ saving grace and encourages us to give all praise to our Lord and King. This repetition emphasizes the importance of recognizing and proclaiming our redemption, a truth that fills our hearts with gratitude and joy.

As we move into the second verse, we are reminded that our redemption is not just a one-time event. It goes beyond the forgiveness of our sins; it transforms our lives and shapes our future. By accepting Jesus’ sacrifice on the , we are no longer bound by the sinful ways of the world. Our souls are set free to dwell with him, to live a life guided by his love and grace. This verse reminds us that salvation is not just a ticket to but an invitation to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

The third verse holds a beautiful promise – that we will one day see Jesus face to face. Just the thought of being in his presence fills our hearts with joy and anticipation. By saving us through his grace, Jesus offers us the incredible gift of eternal life with him. This verse emphasizes the hope and assurance that comes from knowing our future is secure in the hands of our loving Savior.

The final verse of the hymn paints a picture of our ultimate destination – a home that Jesus has prepared for us. This home represents a place of eternal peace and love, where we will never have to wander or search for fulfillment again. It’s a reminder that our souls were created for something far greater than this earthly existence. We were made for an eternal relationship with God, and through Jesus’ redemption, we can soar on wings of love, seeking that eternal home above.

When I sing this hymn, I can’t help but feel a sense of connection and belonging to a much larger story. It reminds me that I am part of a grand narrative of redemption and salvation. It compels me to share this incredible message of hope and grace with others, so they too can experience the freedom and joy that comes from being redeemed by Jesus’ precious blood.

The hymn’s title, “I’ve Been Redeemed Through Jesus’ Precious Blood,” serves as a powerful keyword that captures the essence of this song. It encapsulates the central theme of the hymn and expresses the transformative power of Jesus’ sacrifice. By using this title as an SEO keyword, those searching for answers, hope, or a deeper understanding of redemption will be guided to this article, where they can discover the profound truths found within this cherished hymn.

In conclusion, the hymn “I’ve Been Redeemed Through Jesus’ Precious Blood” reminds us of the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It speaks to the transformative power of his grace and the freedom and joy that comes from accepting him as our Savior. Through its verses, we are encouraged to our redemption, share the good news, and set our hearts on the hope of eternal life with our Lord and King. May this hymn continue to inspire and uplift our souls as we proclaim, “I’ve been redeemed!” All glory to his name!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate the power of redemption through Jesus' precious blood. Explore the transformative grace and joy found in the hymn I've Been Redeemed Through Jesus' Precious Blood.


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