O Jesus Savior Dear – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beautiful hymn "O Jesus Savior Dear" and delve into the meaning behind each verse. Find gratitude for Jesus as our Savior and experience the transformative power of His presence in our lives. Embrace the hope of eternal life with Him.

O Jesus Savior Dear – Hymn Lyric

“O Jesus Savior ” is a hymn of praise and gratitude for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It reflects on the depth of our connection to Him and highlights His immense love and grace. Through its lyrics, we are reminded of the transformative power of His presence in our lives and the assurance of eternal life through Him. Let us embrace this hymn as a source of inspiration to continually praise Jesus, invite Him into our hearts, and live in constant communion with Him.


O Jesus Savior Dear – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, Saviour dear,
How shall Thy Name be praised!
Thy sacred table now
Is spread with gifts most blessed.

Within that holy cup
Is healing for my soul;
art the Bread of Life,
Broken to make me whole.

The burden of my sins
Hast Thou in mercy taken;
Thou touchest but my ,
And graces waken.

The feeble flame of
Is quickened by Thy grace;
My soul to peace restored,
With Thee at hand to bless.

My Austere, Lord, Thou art,
The Fount of every ;
If Thou be in my heart,
All else am I possessing.

Be and abide with me,
A constant Eucharist,
Then death to me is life
With Thee, O Jesus Christ.



Meaning of O Jesus Savior Dear

O Jesus Savior Dear: A Hymn of Praise and Gratitude

In the hymn “O Jesus, Savior dear,” we find beautiful words of praise and gratitude for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we delve into the meaning behind each verse, we discover the depth of our connection to Him and the immense love He has for us.

The verse begins by acknowledging Jesus as our Savior and expressing a to praise His name. This is a powerful reminder to always recognize and honor the sacrifice He made for us on the . His love and grace are boundless, and through His death and resurrection, He offers us the greatest gift imaginable: eternal salvation.

The hymn continues by describing the sacrament of Holy Communion, symbolized by a sacred table spread with blessed gifts. Within the holy cup, we find healing for our souls. Jesus is the Bread of Life, broken to make us whole. These words remind us of the significance of partaking in the Eucharist, where we receive the body and blood of Christ as a spiritual nourishment for our journey in faith.

Reflecting on the burden of our sins, we are filled with gratitude for the mercy Jesus extends to us. He willingly takes our sins upon Himself, offering us forgiveness and redemption. With a gentle touch, He awakens in us Christian graces, igniting a flame of faith within our hearts. This verse portrays the transformative power of Christ, who can change us from within and guide us towards a life of righteousness.

The hymn then acknowledges Jesus as our constant source of peace and blessing. As we gather around Him, our souls find restoration and tranquility. Through His presence, our faith is strengthened, and we are reminded of the countless blessings that flow from Him. Jesus becomes our everything, the very essence of our lives. When He resides in our hearts, we lack nothing.

In these lyrics, the hymn refers to Jesus as our Austere Lord, which may seem unusual at first. However, understanding the word austere as meaning solemn and serious, we realize that it highlights the holiness and majesty of our Savior. His very nature emanates purity and righteousness, and by recognizing this, we to appreciate His presence even more.

An Eucharist is a constant communion with Jesus, not confined to a specific moment during a church service. It is a mindset, a way of living. By inviting Christ to abide within us continually, we experience a profound connection with Him. This ongoing Eucharist ensures that we are never alone and that His life-giving and transformative power is always accessible to us.

Finally, the hymn concludes with a powerful statement – “Death to me is life with Thee, O Jesus Christ.” These words convey the profound hope and assurance we have in the resurrection and eternal life through Jesus. While death may seem daunting and filled with uncertainty, our faith reminds us that, in Christ, death is merely a gateway to life everlasting. With Him by our side, we can face anything, knowing that His presence will guide us through the darkest valleys and lead us to eternal joy in His kingdom.

In conclusion, “O Jesus Savior Dear” is a hymn that resonates deeply within our hearts. It encapsulates the immense love, grace, and blessings that flow from our Savior. Through its beautiful words, we are reminded of our connection to Jesus and the transformative power of His presence in our lives. Let us embrace these lyrics as a source of inspiration to continually praise Him, invite Him into our hearts, and live in constant communion with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beautiful hymn O Jesus Savior Dear and delve into the meaning behind each verse. Find gratitude for Jesus as our Savior and experience the transformative power of His presence in our lives. Embrace the hope of eternal life with Him.


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