O Poor Weary Soul Wherever Thou Art – Hymn Lyric

Discover the renewal God offers to poor

O Poor Weary Soul Wherever Thou Art – Hymn Lyric

O Poor Weary Soul Wherever Thou Art O Poor Weary Soul, wherever you may be, take comfort in knowing that God wishes to renew your . By allowing Jesus to live within you, you can experience the joys of and find strength and peace in the midst of life’s trials and temptations. Walk the pathway of love, reflect Jesus in your daily life, and know that a glorious home awaits you in His kingdom of love.


O Poor Weary Soul Wherever Thou Art – Hymn Lyric

O poor, weary soul, wherever thou art,
God wishes heart to renew;
The joys of heav’n His love will impart,
If Jesus is living in you.

His image you’ll bear and His glory you’ll share,
If the pathway of love you pursue;
It is heaven at last, when your journey is past,
If Jesus is living in you.

The tempter you’ll meet along the way,
O will you to Jesus be true?
He’ll not be able to lead you astray
If Jesus is living in you.

His image you’ll bear and His glory you’ll share,
If the pathway of love you pursue;
It is heaven at last, when your journey is past,
If Jesus is living in you.

God will give you grace for each trial you meet,
Your each day He’ll renew;
When conflict you meet the foe you’ll defeat,
If Jesus is living in you.

His image you’ll bear and His glory you’ll share,
If the pathway of love you pursue;
It is heaven at last, when your journey is past,
If Jesus is living in you.

He’ll welcome you home to mansions above,
When at last your journey is thro’,
Forever to reign in His kingdom of love,
If Jesus is living in you.

His image you’ll bear and His glory you’ll share,
If the pathway of love you pursue;
It is heaven at last, when your journey is past,
If Jesus is living in you.


Meaning of O Poor Weary Soul Wherever Thou Art

O Poor Weary Soul, wherever thou art, know that God wishes to renewal to your heart. In this , we find solace in the fact that the joys of heaven can be yours if Jesus is living within you.

The journey through life can be a tiresome one, filled with trials and tribulations. As you navigate through the ups and downs, it is important to remember that God’s love can provide you with the strength and the peace that you so desperately seek. When you open your heart to Jesus, you allow His love to flow through you, transforming your weary soul into one that shines with His image and glory.

Imagine walking the pathway of love, pursuing kindness, compassion, and understanding towards others. This is the way in which you reflect Jesus in your daily life. By striving to be like Him, you not only bring joy to others, but you also bring yourself closer to experiencing the fullness of heaven. It is a beautiful promise that when your earthly journey is complete, heaven will be your eternal home if Jesus is living in you.

But be aware, the tempter will try to lead you astray. In this world, where evil lurks and temptation tempts, it can be easy to lose sight of the goodness and that Jesus brings. However, if you stay true to Jesus, if you hold firm to the teachings and the principles He exemplified, the temptations of the world will have no power over you. With Jesus living within you, you become steadfast and strong, able to resist the snares laid out by the tempter’s hand.

We often speak of the grace that God provides us, and it is through this grace that we are able to overcome the trials and challenges that life throws our way. Each day, God renews His blessings upon you, offering you the strength and the courage needed to face whatever conflicts come your way. When Jesus is living in you, His grace becomes your shield and His love becomes your guide, leading you through even the darkest of times.

And what is the ultimate reward for living a life with Jesus in your heart? It is the promise of eternal joy in the kingdom of love. When your journey on this earth comes to an end, you can rest assured that Jesus will welcome you home to the mansions He has prepared for you. In His kingdom, love reigns supreme, and you will bask in the everlasting glory of His presence.

So, O Poor Weary Soul, wherever you may be, take comfort in these words. Let them be a reminder to you that no matter how tired, how burdened, or how lost you may feel, there is always hope. God’s love has the power to transform your weary soul into one that is and filled with everlasting joy. Embrace Jesus, walk the pathway of love, and know that heaven awaits you when your journey is complete. Allow Jesus to live within you, and His image and glory will shine through, illuminating your life and the lives of those around you.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the renewal God offers to poor, weary souls. Find solace in the promise that if Jesus is living within you, the joys of heaven can be yours. Embrace His love and transformative power.


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