If I Could Tell Of Jesus As I Know Him – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible love and light of Jesus in "If I Could Tell of Jesus As I Know Him." Experience His presence

If I Could Tell Of Jesus As I Know Him – Hymn Lyric

If only I could express the amazing and light has brought into my life. His presence guides me through life’s ups and downs. Though words may fall short, I urge you to open your heart to Him and experience the immeasurable and eternal happiness He offers.


If I Could Tell Of Jesus As I Know Him – Hymn Lyric

If I could tell of Jesus as I know Him,
My Redeemer who has brightened all my way;
If I could tell how precious is His presence,
I am sure that you make Him yours today.

Could I tell it, could I tell it,
How the sunshine of His presence lights my way,
I would tell it, I would tell it,
And I’m sure that you would make Him yours today.

If I could only tell you how He loves you,
And if we could thro’ the lonely garden go,
If I could tell His dying pain and pardon,
You would worship at His wounded feet I know.


If I could tell how sweet will be His welcome,
In that home whose wondrous beauty ne’er was told;
And tell you how He waits and longs to save you,
You would seek Him, and abide within His fold.


But I can never tell Him as I know Him;
Human tongues can never tell of love ;
I only can entreat you to accept Him;
Come and know the joy and forever mine.


Meaning of If I Could Tell Of Jesus As I Know Him

If I Could Tell of Jesus As I Know Him: A Story of Love and Redemption

Oh, how I wish I could express to you the incredible love and light that Jesus has brought into my life. Every step I take, He shines His radiant presence upon my , guiding me through the ups and downs of life. If only I could share with you the preciousness of His presence, I am certain that you would open your heart and make Him yours today.

Imagine walking hand in hand with Jesus, strolling through a lonely garden. As we meander through its winding paths, I wish I could convey to you the depth of His love for you. His love is vast and boundless, reaching out to embrace you in your moments of loneliness and despair. And if I could only tell you about His dying pain and pardon on that rugged cross, I know that you would be moved to worship at His wounded feet.

Let me paint a picture for you, a vision of a home so beautiful that words fail to capture its wondrous splendor. This is the heavenly abode that Jesus patiently waits to welcome you into. His is to save you, to offer you a within His loving fold. If only I could tell you how sweet His welcome will be, how He longs for you to come and experience the love and joy that await you there.

But alas, mere human words are insufficient to convey the fullness of His divine love. As much as I long to tell you everything I know about Jesus, my words fall short. They cannot do justice to the depth of His compassion, the magnitude of His sacrifice, and the beauty of His . Yet, even in my inadequacy, I implore you to accept Him into your life.

Come and discover for yourself the immeasurable joy and peace that I have found in Jesus. Open your heart to His love and let Him transform your life. It is a decision that will bring immeasurable blessings and eternal happiness.

In a world where it feels like darkness looms, Jesus is the light that never fades. His presence is like sunshine, illuminating every corner of your existence. With Him by your side, you will never walk alone. He will be your constant companion, guiding you through life’s challenges and celebrating your triumphs.

So, dear friend, if only I could tell you the fullness of what I know about Jesus, I am confident that you would be captivated by His boundless love. You would understand why He is worthy of your devotion and worship. You would come to embrace Him as your Redeemer and experience the profound transformation He brings.

In conclusion, my heart longs to share the depth of my relationship with Jesus, but human language is limited. Though my words may fall short, I urge you to consider opening your heart to Him. Accept Jesus into your life and watch as He fills it with love, joy, and peace beyond measure. The choice is yours, my friend, and I pray that you make Him yours today.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible love and light of Jesus in If I Could Tell of Jesus As I Know Him. Experience His presence, His sacrifice, and His invitation to everlasting joy and peace. Open your heart and make Him yours today.


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