Jesus With All Thy Saints Above – Hymn Lyric

Join the celebration of salvation's love with "Jesus With All Thy Saints Above." Discover the profound meaning behind this hymn and the victory we have in Christ. Ignite your passion for praising the dying Lamb.

Jesus With All Thy Saints Above – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus With All Thy Saints Above: A Celebration of Salvation’s Love” is a powerful hymn that invites us to join in God’s saving love. The lyrics speak of Jesus as the Lamb who shed His blood for our redemption, freeing our souls from the chains of . This hymn reminds us to live out our faith and share the message of Jesus’ love with others, so that all may experience His amazing grace.


Jesus With All Thy Saints Above – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, with all thy saints above,
My tongue would bear her part,
Would sound aloud thy saving love,
And sing thy bleeding heart.

Blest be the Lamb, my dearest Lord,
Who bought me with his blood,
And quenched his Father’s flaming sword
In His own vital flood:

The Lamb that freed my captive soul
From Satan’s heavy chains,
And sent the lion down to howl
Where hell and horror reigns.

All glory to the dying Lamb,
And never-ceasing praise,
While angels live to know his name,
Or saints to feel his grace.


Meaning of Jesus With All Thy Saints Above

Jesus With All Thy Saints Above: A Celebration of Salvation’s Love

In the marvelous hymn “Jesus With All Thy Saints Above,” we find words that are filled with joy, gratitude, and a deep sense of appreciation for the saving love of our Lord. Let us delve into the meaning behind these heartfelt lyrics and explore the significance they hold for all believers.

The hymn begins by expressing a desire to join in with all the saints above, to be a part of the chorus that proclaims the wonders of God’s saving love. It is a call to action, an invitation to lift our voices high and proudly proclaim the wonders of our Savior. This verse reminds us that we all have a role to play in sharing the good news of Jesus’ sacrifice and love.

As we continue to sing, we are reminded of the precious price that was paid for our redemption. The hymn speaks of Jesus as the Lamb, the gentle and sacrificial one who willingly gave His life for us. He shed His blood on the cross, purchasing our salvation with the most valuable currency imaginable. This act of love, the hymn declares, quenched the Father’s flaming sword and opened the pathway for us to approach God freely.

Oh, what a wondrous thought! The Lamb, Jesus, broke the chains that bound us to sin and set our captive souls free. No longer are we held prisoner by Satan’s power, for Jesus’ sacrifice has shattered the bonds of . Through His death and resurrection, we have been set free to live in the light of His grace and mercy.

The hymn paints a vivid picture of the defeated enemy, a roaring lion reduced to a howl in the face of Jesus’ triumph. Hell and horror, once reigning with terror, now cower in the presence of the Lamb. It is a powerful reminder that no matter how and terrifying our circumstances may seem, when we stand with Jesus, we are victorious. We have nothing to fear because our Savior has already overcome the world.

With every word, the hymn offers unending praise and glory to the dying Lamb. It is a call to worship that echoes throughout , as angels and saints join together in songs of adoration. It reminds us that we are part of a grand chorus, praising our Savior’s name alongside beings. What a glorious privilege it is to join in this melody!

As we conclude our exploration of this beautiful hymn, let us reflect on the profound truth it holds. The hymn encapsulates the essence of our faith – a faith built upon the saving love of Jesus Christ. It encourages us to share this love with others, to proclaim the message of redemption far and wide. It reminds us of the immense price paid for our and the victory we now possess in Christ.

So, reader, let us take these words to heart and allow them to ignite a passion within us. Let us not just sing this hymn, but let us live it out in our daily lives. May we be bold and unceasing in our praise of the dying Lamb, Jesus with all His saints above. May we never forget the love that has set us free, and may that love compel us to share the good news with everyone we meet.

In conclusion, let us strive to embody the spirit of this hymn in our words and actions. Let us be a generation that magnifies the name of Jesus, both in song and in deed. May His saving love be the anthem that resounds in our hearts and through our lives. Jesus, with all thy saints above, we join our voices with theirs, forever proclaiming your amazing grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join the celebration of salvation's love with Jesus With All Thy Saints Above. Discover the profound meaning behind this hymn and the victory we have in Christ. Ignite your passion for praising the dying Lamb.


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