I’ve Seen The Face Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy and love of encountering Jesus. Explore the transformative power of seeing His face and feeling His touch. Find true fulfillment in His presence. Come

I’ve Seen The Face Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“I’ve Seen The Face Of : A Journey of and ” captures the incredible feeling of encountering Jesus’ loving smile. It goes beyond physical appearance and represents a deep connection and understanding of His love for us. The hymn reminds us to find true fulfillment in His presence and to let go of the temporary distractions of this world.


I’ve Seen The Face Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I’ve seen the face of Jesus-
He smiled in love on me;
It filled my with rapture,
My soul with ecstasy.
The scars of deepest anguish
Were lost in glory bright;
I’ve seen the face of Jesus-
It was a wondrous sight!

Oh! glorious face of beauty,
Oh, gentle touch of care;
If here it is so blessed,
What will it be up there?
And since I’ve seen His beauty
All else I count but loss;
The world, its fame and pleasure,
Is now to me but dross;
His light dispelled my ,
His smile was, oh, so sweet!
I’ve seen the face of Jesus-
I can but kiss His feet.

I’ve heard the voice of Jesus-
He told me of His love;
And called me His own treasure,
His undefiled, His .
It came like softest music
Across an ocean calm,
And seemed to play so sweetly
Some wondrous holy psalm.

I felt the hand of Jesus-
My brow it throbbed with care-
He placed it there so softly,
And whispered Do not fear.
Like clouds before the sunshine,
My cares have rolled away;
I’m sitting in His presence-
It is a cloudless day.

I know He’s coming shortly
To take us all above;
We’ll sing redemption’s story
The story of His love;
We’ll hear His voice of music,
We’ll feel His hand of care;
He’ll never rest, He says so,
Until He has us there.


Meaning of I’ve Seen The Face Of Jesus

I’ve Seen The Face Of Jesus: A Journey of Joy and Love

Oh, what a joyous experience it is to see the face of Jesus! In this hymn, the lyrics capture the incredible feeling of encountering His loving smile. It fills the author’s heart with rapture and their soul with ecstasy. Just imagining such a moment brings warmth and happiness to our hearts.

But what does it truly mean to see Jesus’ face? It goes beyond physical appearance; it represents a deep connection and understanding of His love for us. When the author gazes into His face, all the scars of deepest anguish are lost in the glory of His brightness. It is a transformative sight!

The of this hymn asks, “Oh! glorious face of beauty, oh gentle touch of care; if here it is so blessed, what will it be up there?” This reminds us that if encountering Jesus’ face on earth is so incredibly beautiful and filled with His gentle touch of care, then how much more amazing will it be in ? Our hearts long for that day when we will experience the fullness of His love and be in His presence forever.

When the author sees Jesus’ beauty, everything else in their life pales in comparison. The world, with its fame and pleasures, becomes insignificant. It loses its hold on the author’s heart, as they find true fulfillment in the sight of Jesus’ face. They realize that the temporary joys of this world are like dross, worthless compared to the eternal bliss found in His presence.

In addition to seeing His face, the author also hears the voice of Jesus. He tells them of His love and calls them His own treasure, His undefiled, His dove. This voice, like the softest music, reaches the author’s ears and brings them . It plays sweetly, as if captivating their soul with a wondrous holy psalm. It is a reminder that Jesus speaks to us, guiding us with His words of love and encouragement.

Not only does the author see and hear Jesus, but they also feel His hand upon them. When faced with worry and care, Jesus places His hand upon their brow and whispers, “Do not fear.” This gentle touch relieves their burdens and brings comfort to their heart. Just as clouds disperse at the arrival of sunshine, the author’s worries roll away. They find themselves sitting in the presence of Jesus on a cloudless day, filled with His peace and love.

The hymn concludes with a reminder that Jesus is coming soon to take us all above. We will gather together to sing redemption’s story, the story of His love. We will rejoice as we hear His voice of music, and we will feel His hand of care upon us. Jesus assures us that He will not rest until He has brought us all to be with Him in Heaven.

In conclusion, the hymn “I’ve Seen The Face Of Jesus” is a beautiful expression of the joy and love that comes from encountering Jesus. It reminds us that seeing His face goes beyond physical appearance, representing a deep connection and understanding of His love for us. It encourages us to find our ultimate fulfillment in His presence and to let go of the temporary distractions of this world. May we all long for the day when we will see His glorious face and experience the fullness of His love and care.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joy and love of encountering Jesus. Explore the transformative power of seeing His face and feeling His touch. Find true fulfillment in His presence. Come, experience the beauty of I've Seen The Face Of Jesus.


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