Jesus Who Once For Me Did’st Bleed – Hymn Lyric

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Jesus Who Once For Me Did’st Bleed – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Who Once For Me Did’st Bleed: Embracing Love, Strength, and in His ” This reminds us of Jesus’ incredible love and sacrifice for us. Through His bloodshed, we find forgiveness, grace, and eternal life. In His presence, we learn to love Him more and find comfort, strength, and . Despite our imperfections and struggles, we can rejoice in the hope and of spending eternity with Him.


Jesus Who Once For Me Did’st Bleed – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, Who once for us did’st bleed,
We come before Thee in our need;
Teach us to love and serve Thee more,
And thy rich full adore.

Oh may Thy and all its woe
Never conquer ev’ry foe,
Till in the greatness of Thy love,
Our souls rejoice in Heav’n above.

The hands which heal’d the sick, the blind,
Were nail’d for us that we may find
Comfort in sorrow, from Thy death,
Strength for our weakness, life and health.

Here would we lean upon Thy breast,
And find in Thee a perfect rest;
Wearied, our spirits sigh to know,
More of Thy matchless grace below.

Sweet is the thought that we shall spend
With Thee, our Saviour, Master, Friend,
A holy, glad eternity,
When from all sin and sorrow free.

Jesus, Who once for us did’st bleed,
We come before Thee in our need;
Teach us to love and serve Thee more,
And thy rich mercy full adore.


Meaning of Jesus Who Once For Me Did’st Bleed

Jesus Who Once For Me Did’st Bleed: Finding Love, Strength, and Hope in His Sacrifice

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love and sacrifice that Jesus made for us. He willingly shed His blood so that we may find forgiveness, grace, and eternal life. It is in His presence that we can learn to love and serve Him more, fully embracing His rich mercy.

The first verse emphasizes our need for Jesus. We come before Him, recognizing that we are imperfect and in need of His guidance and love. We ask Him to teach us to love and serve Him more, acknowledging that our souls can find joy and fulfillment in His presence. When we ourselves to His greatness and love, He empowers us to overcome any challenges we may face. His sacrifice on the cross becomes a source of strength as we navigate through life’s battles.

The second verse reminds us of the miraculous healings that Jesus performed during His earthly ministry. He healed the sick and gave sight to the blind, showing us His and power. We are reminded that His hands, which brought comfort and healing, were nailed to the cross for our salvation. In His death, we find the strength to overcome our weaknesses and find true life and health. Jesus becomes our source of comfort and strength, even in times of sorrow and despair.

As we reflect on His sacrifice, we long to lean on His breast, seeking His perfect rest. We are weary, but in His presence, we find solace and . Our hearts yearn to know more of His matchless grace, as we desire to experience a deeper relationship with Him. We crave His love and desire to fully understand and embrace His mercy in our lives.

The hymn continues by highlighting the hope and joy we have in eternity. We know that one day, we will spend a holy and glad eternity with Jesus. In that realm, free from sin and sorrow, we will experience His abundant love and grace in its purest form. This thought brings comfort and reassurance, knowing that our present struggles are temporary compared to the eternal joy that awaits us.

In conclusion, “Jesus Who Once For Me Did’st Bleed” encapsulates the essence of Jesus’ sacrifice and the impact it has on our lives. Through His bloodshed, we find forgiveness and salvation. In His presence, we learn to love and serve Him more, fully embracing His rich mercy. We find comfort, strength, and healing in His death, knowing that He triumphed over sin and death. This hymn invites us to lean on Jesus, seek His perfect rest, and desire a deeper relationship with Him. It reminds us of the hope and joy we have in eternity, where we will experience His love and grace in its fullest measure. May we constantly remember and reflect upon the profound significance of Jesus’ sacrifice, embracing His love and sharing it with others.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find Love, Strength, and Hope in Jesus' Sacrifice - Jesus Who Once For Me Did'st Bleed. Embrace His mercy, overcome challenges, and experience eternal joy. Lean on Him and deepen your relationship with the Savior who shed His blood for us.


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