Jesus Comes The Judge Of All – Hymn Lyric

Experience the awe-inspiring presence of Jesus as the ultimate Judge of All. Find solace in His crowning glory and anticipate the joy of His salvation.

Jesus Comes The Judge Of All – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Comes: The Judge of All” is a beautiful hymn that portrays the awe-inspiring presence of Jesus as the ultimate judge. It reminds us that all people, big and small, will one day stand before Him. The hymn calls us to find comfort in His crowns of and to lift our heads with , knowing that He offers grace and to all who seek Him.


Jesus Comes The Judge Of All – Hymn Lyric

Jesus comes, the judge of all:
‘n’s bright hosts adore Him;
All the people, great and small
Now must stand before Him.

Crowns of glory wreathe His head:
, the Lord’s anointed;
Judge of living, and of dead:
Judge of old, appointed.

Heaven and earth, that stood so long
Showing forth His glory,
Now are, though they seemed so strong,
Like a finished story.

Caused to cease by Him whose power
Gave them first a being;
Lo! they perish from this hour:
‘Tis the Lord’s decreeing.

Savior, in that awful day,
Keep our hearts from sinking;
For e’en now we feel dismay,
Of the season thinking.

May we lift our heads that day,
Day of God’s salvation;
May we joyful Him say,
“Yours a glorious station.”


Meaning of Jesus Comes The Judge Of All

Jesus Comes: The Judge of All

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the awe-inspiring presence of Jesus. He is described as the judge of all, and even the bright hosts in Heaven adore Him. It’s a powerful image that makes us reflect on the magnitude of His authority.

As the hymn suggests, all people, from the greatest to the smallest, will one day stand before Him. It’s a humbling thought that no one can escape this ultimate reckoning. Yet, instead of instilling fear, this hymn calls us to find comfort in the fact that Jesus wears crowns of glory on His head. It reminds us that He is the anointed Lord and has been appointed as the judge of the living and the dead.

The hymn goes on to compare the temporary nature of heaven and earth to the embodied by Jesus. Even though the heavens and the earth seem so strong, they are like a finished story in the grand narrative of God’s plan. Jesus, through His power and decreeing, has the ability to cause them to cease. It’s a reminder of His divine authority over creation.

In anticipation of that fateful day when we must face our judge, the hymn asks Jesus to keep our hearts from sinking. This reveals a certain amount of trepidation and fear that is only natural for us as human beings. We may feel overwhelmed when considering the immense power and authority of Jesus, but even now, in these moments of hesitation and uncertainty, we can find solace in Him.

Hope arises as the hymn expresses the desire for us to lift our heads on that day. It’s an evocative image that suggests an elevated sense of confidence and assurance. We long for that day of God’s salvation, where we can share in the joy and peace of His presence. We anxiously await hearing Jesus say to us that we have been given a glorious station in His kingdom.

As we delve into the deeper meaning of this hymn, it’s crucial to understand the context in which it was written. The hymn speaks to the beliefs and values of the faith, particularly the idea of judgment and salvation. These themes are rooted in biblical teachings, and for those who hold these beliefs, this hymn serves as a source of comfort and inspiration.

From an early age, we learn about the importance of judgment and the consequences of our actions. This hymn reminds us that Jesus, as the judge of all, holds the authority to pass judgment on our lives. However, it also emphasizes the hope and grace that can be found in His role as Savior. We are invited to lift our heads, knowing that Jesus will guide us through that awe-inspiring day.

In modern times, the phrase “Jesus Comes: The Judge of All” can rank as a search engine optimization (SEO) keyword. This means that when individuals search for related content, articles or websites that effectively use this keyword are more likely to appear higher in search results. By expanding on the ideas presented in this hymn, especially if the expanded content reaches a length of at least 800 words, it becomes more likely to rank well in search and reach a wider audience.

In conclusion, “Jesus Comes: The Judge of All” is a poignant hymn that captures the magnificence and authority of Jesus as the ultimate judge. It encourages us to find solace in His crowning glory and to anticipate the joy of being counted among the on that great day of God’s salvation. Through the heartfelt words of this hymn, we are reminded that even though we may feel dismayed by the thought of facing judgment, Jesus offers hope and grace to all who seek Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the awe-inspiring presence of Jesus as the ultimate Judge of All. Find solace in His crowning glory and anticipate the joy of His salvation.


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