I Am So Glad That Jesus Was Once A Child – Hymn Lyric
I Am So Glad That Jesus Was Once A Child allows us to understand that Jesus understands what it’s like to be young, to have dreams, face challenges, and difficulties. He came from heaven, lived among us, sacrificed Himself for our sins, and offers us forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus’ love and grace shine upon us, guiding us on the right path to everlasting glory.
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I Am So Glad That Jesus Was Once A Child – Hymn Lyric
I am so glad that Jesus
Was once a child like me:
He came to earth from glory,
And died upon the tree;
His pardon fully, freely,
On me He did bestow,
His precious blood on Calv’ry
Has paid the debt I owe.
I am so glad that Jesus
Loves little ones like me:
His loving eye is watching
O’er me so tenderly;
He knows my joy and sorrow,
He knows my every care;
And when I’m sad and lonely,
I’ll go to Him in prayer.
I am so glad that Jesus
From sin was ever free;
His life so pure and holy,
Will be a guide to me;
I’ll follow where He leadeth,
Yes, follow all the way,
I know He’ll safely guide me
To realms of endless day.
I am so glad that Jesus
Now lives and reigns on high,
And if I love and serve Him,
I’ll meet Him by and by;
I know that when my trials
On earth shall all be o’er,
He’ll take me home to glory,
To dwell forevermore.
Meaning of I Am So Glad That Jesus Was Once A Child
I am so glad that Jesus was once a child like me. It fills my heart with joy to know that He understands what it’s like to be young, to have dreams and hopes, to face challenges and difficulties. He came from heaven, where He was surrounded by glory, and chose to live among us on earth.
Jesus came not only to experience the human life, but also to sacrifice Himself for us. He willingly died upon the tree, bearing our sins and offering us forgiveness. His pardon is freely given, without any cost or requirement on our part. It’s incredible to think that His precious blood shed on Calvary has paid the debt I owe. I am forever grateful for His sacrifice and the love He has shown me.
One of the most comforting things about Jesus is that He loves little ones like me. His eyes are always watching over us, filled with compassion and tenderness. He knows our joys and sorrows, our worries and fears. No matter what we may be going through, we can take our troubles to Him in prayer. He listens, He cares, and He is always there to comfort and guide us.
Jesus’ life was a shining example of purity, holiness, and righteousness. He was perfect in every way, and His life serves as a guide for us. When we choose to follow Him, He leads us on the right path, showing us the way to live a life that pleases God. I am determined to follow Him wherever He leads, knowing that He will protect and guide me every step of the way. With Jesus as my guide, I am confident that He will lead me to everlasting life.
Even though Jesus is no longer physically present on earth, He lives and reigns in heaven. He is seated at the right hand of God, interceding for us and preparing a place for us. If we love and serve Him faithfully, we have the assurance that one day we will meet Him face to face. When all our trials and struggles on earth come to an end, He will welcome us into His eternal glory. What a joyous day that will be!
In conclusion, I am so glad that Jesus was once a child like me. His life, death, and resurrection are the greatest acts of love and sacrifice that the world has ever known. He understands our struggles, offers us forgiveness and eternal life, and guides us on the right path. Let us hold onto the hope that one day we will be with Him in glory, forever free from pain and sorrow. May His love and grace shine upon us always, and may we continue to follow in His footsteps.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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