Jesus Is Calling O Heed His Voice – Hymn Lyric

Answer the tender plea of Jesus by heeding His voice. Jesus is calling

Jesus Is Calling O Heed His Voice – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Is Calling: Answering the Tender Plea of the Savior” Amidst the chaos of our lives, Jesus calls out to us with a gentle and loving voice, offering solace and rest. The “Jesus Is Calling” beautifully captures this divine invitation, urging us to and respond to His plea. He understands our struggles and offers relief and support if only we heed His voice and to Him.


Jesus Is Calling O Heed His Voice – Hymn Lyric

Verse 1:
Jesus is calling, O heed His voice,
Tenderly pleading with , O soul;
“Come me, I will give thee rest,
Free thee from and make thee whole.”

Calling, calling,
Jesus is tenderly calling:
“Come unto me,”
Jesus is calling today.

Verse 2:
Jesus is calling, O heed His voice,
“Weary one come, I will share thy grief;
Wander no longer in sin astray,
I will sustain thee, give thee relief.”

Calling, calling,
Jesus is tenderly calling:
“Come unto me,”
Jesus is calling today.

Verse 3:
Jesus is calling, O heed His voice,
O soul, send thy Lord away?
Come to Him now ere it be too late;
Come to the , O come today.

Calling, calling,
Jesus is tenderly calling:
“Come unto me,”
Jesus is calling today.


Meaning of Jesus Is Calling O Heed His Voice

Jesus Is Calling: Answering the Tender Plea of the Savior

In our busy and hectic lives, it is easy to get caught up in the noise and distractions of the world. We often find ourselves rushing from one task to another, barely having a moment to pause and reflect. But amidst the chaos, there is a voice calling out to us – a voice that offers solace, comfort, and a path towards true happiness. That voice is the voice of Jesus, tenderly pleading with our souls to come unto Him.

The hymn “Jesus Is Calling” beautifully captures the essence of this divine invitation. It paints a vivid picture of Jesus reaching out to us, calling us by name, and offering to free us from the burdens of sorrow and sin. In each verse, we are reminded of the urgent and compassionate nature of this call. Jesus is not demanding or forceful; rather, He is gentle and kind, inviting us to come to Him for rest and .

The refrain of the hymn reinforces this message, emphasizing the loving and persistent nature of Jesus’ call. He is constantly calling out to us, day after day, urging us to heed His voice and respond to His invitation. It is a call that resonates deep within our souls, beckoning us to leave behind the weariness and wanderings of a life without Him.

Jesus knows our struggles and , and He longs to share in our grief. He understands the burdens we carry, the pain we feel, and the mistakes we have made. Yet, despite our flaws and shortcomings, He still extends His hand, offering us relief and sustenance. He promises to walk beside us, guiding and supporting us every step of the way.

It is easy to get lost in the of sin and temptation. We often find ourselves wandering astray, searching for fulfillment in all the wrong places. But Jesus calls us back, reminding us that there is a better way – a way that leads to eternal joy and peace. He invites us to come to Him, to surrender our struggles and find rest in His loving embrace.

We may wonder why Jesus would bother calling us, given our imperfections and mistakes. But the hymn reminds us that His call is not dependent on our worthiness or righteousness. His love is unconditional, and He desires a relationship with each and every one of us. We need only to respond to His call and come to Him just as we are.

The urgency of Jesus’ plea is underscored in the final verse of the hymn. It warns us not to delay, not to turn Him away. The opportunity to respond to His call may not always be there – time and circumstances may stand in our way. Therefore, the hymn urges us to come to the Savior today, to seize the chance to find true rest and salvation.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Is Calling” serves as a powerful reminder of the constant and unwavering love that Jesus has for us. It calls us to listen attentively to His voice, to quiet the noise around us, and to respond to His plea with open hearts. May we all heed His voice and find rest in His arms, knowing that Jesus is tenderly calling us, each and every day.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Answer the tender plea of Jesus by heeding His voice. Jesus is calling, offering rest and relief from sorrow. Come to Him today and find solace in His loving embrace.


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