If I Should Be Living When Jesus Comes – Hymn Lyric

Reunite with loved ones when Jesus comes. Reflections on hope

If I Should Be Living When Jesus Comes – Hymn Lyric

“If I Should Be Living When Jesus Comes” explores the anticipation and hope surrounding Jesus’ return. The hymn evokes a sense of joy and for a reunion with loved ones in a heavenly realm. It reminds us to live a life that aligns with the teachings of Jesus, so we can be ready for that glorious day. And if I should be living when Jesus comes, I hope to be standing beside my mother’s tomb, eagerly awaiting the embrace of eternal .


If I Should Be Living When Jesus Comes – Hymn Lyric

Verse 1:
If I should be living when Jesus comes,
And could the day and the hour,
I’d like to be standing at mother’s tomb
When Jesus comes in His power.

‘Twill be a wonderful, happy day,
Up there on the golden strand,
When I can Jesus my Savior say,
Shake hands with mother again.

Verse 2:
I’d like to say, Mother, this is your boy,
You left when you went away;
And now, my dear mother, it gives me great joy
To see you again today.


Verse 3:
There’s coming a time when I can go
To meet my loved ones up there;
There I can see Jesus upon His throne
In that bright city so fair.


Verse 4:
There’ll be no more sorrow or pain to bear
In that home beyond the sky;
A glorious thought when we all get there,
We never will say, goodbye.


Meaning of If I Should Be Living When Jesus Comes

If the day and hour were to when Jesus returns, I often wonder where I would want to be. In my heart, there’s a special place I’d like to be standing – right beside my mother’s tomb. It’s a place of deep significance, filled with memories and love. As I imagine that moment, I can’t help but feel a sense of joy and anticipation.

The hymn speaks of a wonderful and happy day when Jesus returns, where I’ll find myself on the golden strand, surrounded by the beauty of eternity. And in that moment, I long to hear my Savior’s voice saying, “Shake hands with mother again.” What a profound and touching image that conjures in my mind – the reunion of loved ones, the embrace of a mother’s unconditional love.

I close my eyes and envision that day – a day that fills me with hope and reassurance. I can almost feel the warmth of my mother’s presence as I stand before her tomb, ready to be reunited once more. In my imagination, I can hear myself saying, “Mother, this is your boy, the one you left behind when you went away.”

As I utter those words, I feel a flood of emotions washing over me – gratitude, relief, and an overwhelming sense of joy. To be able to see my mother again, to have the opportunity to tell her how much I love and appreciate her, is a dream that fills my heart with happiness.

And yet, it’s not just the thought of being reunited with my mother that excites me. It’s the prospect of going home, to a place where all my loved ones await – a place filled with unimaginable beauty and . I can picture Jesus upon His throne, radiating love and compassion, as I step into that bright and glorious city.

In that heavenly realm, there will be no more sorrow or pain to bear. All the troubles and hardships of this world will fade away, replaced by eternal bliss. How comforting it is to know that when we reach our ultimate destination, we will never again have to say goodbye. The notion of eternal togetherness is a source of great comfort and solace.

As I reflect on these thoughts, I realize how fortunate I am to have such a beautiful vision of the future. Not everyone is with the certainty and hope that faith brings. The hymn reminds me of the power of belief – the belief that there is something greater, something beyond our earthly existence.

It ignites a fire within me, urging me to live a life that aligns with the values and teachings of Jesus. It motivates me to be , compassionate, and forgiving – to embrace the true spirit of love. For if I am to be living when Jesus comes, I want to be ready, to stand beside my mother’s tomb with a heart full of gratitude and a soul overflowing with love.

In conclusion, the hymn “If I Should Be Living When Jesus Comes” evokes a sense of joy, hope, and anticipation. It paints a beautiful picture of a reunion with loved ones in a heavenly realm, where sorrow and pain are replaced with eternal peace. It reminds me of the importance of faith and living a life that reflects the teachings of Jesus. And if I am to be living when that day comes, I hope to be standing beside my mother’s tomb, ready to be embraced once more.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Reunite with loved ones when Jesus comes. Reflections on hope, joy, and eternal peace. Embrace faith and live a life aligned with Jesus' teachings. Standing by mother's tomb, ready for reunion.


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