I’m Safe When Im With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the safety and comfort that comes from being with Jesus. Find peace in His presence and assurance that He will protect and guide you through life's storms.

I’m Safe When Im With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

When we are with , we find safety and security that goes beyond physical protection. This reminds us that His presence brings to our souls, even in the midst of uncertainty. With Jesus as our companion, we can trust in His power to calm the storms of life and guide us to a brighter future.


I’m Safe When Im With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I’m safe when I’m with Jesus,
Though billows round me roll;
I know my Saviour
Will ev’ry wave control.

Why need I fear and tremble,
When there can be no harm?
One word from my Jesus,
Will make the storm a calm.

I’m safe when I’m with Jesus,
He will my soul defend,
Will shelter me from danger,
And keep me to the end.

I’m safe when I’m with Jesus,
Though clouds my pathway hide,
I know when he is leading,
No ill can me betide.

Beyond the clouds that gather,
I see a golden light,
And so the shadows vanish,
And all my way is bright.


I’m safe when I’m with Jesus,
No doubts disturb my soul;
The Master’s word assures me,
“Thy faith has made me whole.”

The Holy Ghost abideth,
And witnesseth within,
That Christ hath cleans’d and pardoned,
And saved my soul from sin.


Meaning of I’m Safe When Im With Jesus

When we think of safety, our minds often turn to physical protection – security measures, locking our doors, or seeking refuge from danger. However, there is a safety that goes beyond the physical realm, a safety that can peace to our souls even when everything around us seems uncertain. This hymn, titled “I’m Safe When I’m With Jesus,” beautifully expresses the assurance and comfort that can be found in the presence of our Savior.

The first verse paints a vivid picture of the storms of life that may surround us. Just like billowing waves threaten to overwhelm a , we too encounter difficulties and challenges that can leave us feeling fearful and trembled. Yet, in the midst of these storms, we find solace in the knowledge that our blessed Savior is by our side, fully capable of controlling every wave. This realization brings us an invaluable sense of security.

Our hymn reminds us that there is no need for fear or trembling when we have Jesus as our companion. A single word from Him has the power to transform any storm into a calm. Just as Jesus calmed the raging sea with a simple command, He can also bring tranquility to the turbulent situations we face. We can find immense comfort in knowing that He is in control and will never abandon us.

The refrain reinforces this message of safety with a beautiful promise: when we are with Jesus, our souls are defended, sheltered from danger, and kept until the very end. It assures us that His presence is a guarantee of protection. No matter what challenges we encounter or obstacles we face, our faith in Him shields us from harm.

Sometimes, life may feel like a cloudy and uncertain . We may struggle to see what lies ahead or fear the unknown. However, the hymn reminds us that when Jesus leads, no ill can befall us. It is through His guidance that we discover a golden light beyond the clouds, illuminating our way and dispelling the shadows. With Him as our guide, every step we take becomes brighter, filled with and assurance.

In times of doubt or uncertainty, our confidence in Jesus provides an unshakeable foundation. The second verse expresses how doubts no longer disturb our souls when we trust in the Master’s word. He assures us that our faith has made us whole, that through Him, all our sins are forgiven and our souls are saved. This assurance is not just a fleeting feeling but is grounded in the abiding presence of the Holy .

The refrain reminds us once again that the Holy Spirit resides within us, witnessing to the cleansing and pardoning work of Christ. This continuous testimony serves as a constant reminder of the safety we experience in Jesus’ embrace. It gives us confidence in our salvation and strengthens our belief that we are truly secure in His arms.

As we reflect on this hymn, we are reminded of the profound safety and comfort we find in Jesus. His presence in our lives brings a peace that surpasses all understanding. We can trust Him to protect, guide, and defend us in every circumstance. Just as the hymn states, we are safe when we are with Jesus.

In conclusion, the hymn “I’m Safe When I’m With Jesus” beautifully captures the essence of the safety and security we find in our Savior. It reminds us that His presence in our lives brings assurance, peace, and protection. Through Him, the storms of life are calmed, the shadows are dispelled, and our faith is made whole. So let us hold on to this truth, knowing that when we are with Jesus, we are truly safe.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the safety and comfort that comes from being with Jesus. Find peace in His presence and assurance that He will protect and guide you through life's storms.


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