Do They Know That You Belong To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Live a life that embodies the teachings of Jesus. Do they know that you belong to Jesus? Let your love and actions inspire others to bear His name.

Do They Know That You Belong To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Living a that truly belongs to means embodying His teachings and letting His shine through us. It’s about being a reflection of His grace and compassion in everything we do. By living with love and , our actions will speak louder than words, showing others that we belong to Jesus and inspiring them to bear His name.


Do They Know That You Belong To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Verse 1:
Do they know that you belong to Jesus?
Are your actions such that they will prove
That you walk and talk with Him each moment
And your heart o’erflows with His great love?

Do they know that you belong to Jesus?
Is your very life for Him aflame?
Are you touching other lives around you
So that they will long to bear His name?

Verse 2:
Do they know that you belong to Jesus?
Is there aught by which the can see
That you differ in your life from others
Who are known in depths of sin to be?

Verse 3:
Do they know that you belong to Jesus?
Are you always glad to own your ?
Do you ever set the good example
As He patterns in His holy Word?

Meaning of Do They Know That You Belong To Jesus

Do They Know That You Belong To Jesus: Living a Life of Love and Light

Living a life of love and light is what it means to belong to Jesus. It’s not just about going to church on Sundays or saying a few prayers before bed. It’s about embodying the teachings of Jesus in our daily lives and letting His love shine through us. When we truly belong to Jesus, our actions will speak louder than words, and those around us will be able to see and feel His presence in us.

As the hymn asks, “Do they know that you belong to Jesus?” It’s a powerful question that challenges us to examine our lives and how we are representing our faith to others. Are we living in a way that shows others that we walk and talk with Him each moment? Are our hearts overflowing with His great love? These are important questions to ponder and reflect upon.

Belonging to Jesus means that we are called to be ambassadors of His love and grace. We are called to be His hands and feet in the world, reaching out to others with kindness and compassion. Our actions should be a reflection of His teachings and the example He set for us. When we live in this way, the world will see that we differ in our life from others who are known to be in the depths of sin.

The hymn also asks, “Is your very life for Him aflame?” This is a beautiful image that illustrates the passion and fervor with which we should live our lives for Jesus. When we belong to Him, our lives should be on fire with love, , and . We should be so filled with His spirit that it overflows and touches the lives of those around us.

Living a life aflame for Jesus means that our love and devotion to Him influences everything we do. Our thoughts, words, and actions should be guided by His teachings and His example. We should strive to be a light in the darkness, showing others the way to Him through our love and kindness.

But how can we ensure that others know we belong to Jesus? It starts with our attitude and mindset. Are we always glad to own our Lord? When we have a genuine love for Jesus, it will show in the way we talk about Him and the way we live our lives. We won’t be ashamed or hesitant to share our faith with others because it is a central part of who we are.

Being glad to own our Lord means embracing our faith and living it out loud. It means being unafraid to set a good example for others, just as Jesus did. We can look to His holy Word as our guide and pattern our lives after His teachings. When we do this, we become living testimonies to His love and grace.

Living a life that shows others we belong to Jesus requires intentionality and purpose. It means being aware of our words and actions and how they reflect our faith. It means being mindful of the impact we have on those around us and striving to leave a positive and lasting impression.

One way we can do this is by being kind and compassionate toward others. When we see someone in need, we can extend a helping hand and offer words of encouragement. We can be quick to forgive and slow to anger, showing others the power of grace and .

Another way we can show others that we belong to Jesus is by being inclusive and accepting of all people. Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves, regardless of their race, religion, or background. When we embrace diversity and treat others with respect and dignity, we demonstrate the inclusive nature of Jesus’ love.

Living a life that belongs to Jesus is not always easy. We will face challenges and temptations along the way. But when we stay rooted in our faith and rely on Jesus’ strength, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

So, do they know that you belong to Jesus? Is your life a reflection of His love and teachings? Do your actions inspire others to long to bear His name? These are questions worth asking ourselves as we strive to live a life that truly belongs to Him. Let us be a light in the darkness, showing others the love and grace of Jesus through our words and deeds.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Live a life that embodies the teachings of Jesus. Do they know that you belong to Jesus? Let your love and actions inspire others to bear His name.


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