Father Before Thy Throne My Soul Would Bow – Hymn Lyric

Come before God and pray with the hymn "Father Before Thy Throne My Soul Would Bow." Acknowledge God's love

Father Before Thy Throne My Soul Would Bow – Hymn Lyric

“Father Before Thy Throne My Would Bow” is a hymn that expresses the songwriter’s desire to pray and before God. They have confidence that their requests will be heard, as they have never asked in vain before. The hymn also acknowledges the importance of ‘ role in our relationship with God and asks for the fire of devotion to be kindled within the heart.


Father Before Thy Throne My Soul Would Bow – Hymn Lyric

Father, before Thy throne,
My soul would bow.
Ne’er have I asked in vain,
O hear me now.

Hear Thou the pray’r I make,
Answer for Jesus’ sake.
Bid faith and love awake
Within my heart.

Father, this heart of mine,
Which now I bring,
Lies down before Thy feet,
A guilty thing.

Kindle it altar fire,
Thou hope and zeal inspire.
Wake Thou its silent lyre
In praise to Thee.

Thou art our dwelling place
In every age.
In Thy sweet love we trace
Our heritage–

Our refuge from the storm,
Our shelter safe and .
Help us our vows perform,
Father .


Meaning of Father Before Thy Throne My Soul Would Bow

In the hymn “Father Before Thy Throne My Soul Would Bow,” the songwriter expresses their desire to come before God and pray. They acknowledge that they have never asked in vain in the past, and they hope that God will hear their request in the present moment as well.

As believers, it is comforting to know that we can approach our Heavenly Father without fear of rejection. We can have confidence that He will listen to our prayers and give us what we need, always keeping in mind the name of Jesus, who intercedes on our behalf.

In this particular verse, the songwriter asks God to answer their prayer for the sake of Jesus. They recognize that it is through Jesus’ sacrificial love and grace that they have access to the Father and can confidently make their requests known. This is a beautiful reminder of the significance of Jesus’ role in our relationship with God.

Father, this heart of mine, which now I bring, lies down before Thy feet as a guilty thing. The songwriter humbly acknowledges their own shortcomings and . They approach God with a contrite heart, recognizing their need for forgiveness and redemption. This is a powerful acknowledgment of our fallibility as humans and our reliance on God’s and grace.

However, the songwriter doesn’t dwell on their guilt. Instead, they ask God to kindle the fire of devotion within their heart. They long for God to inspire hope and zeal, to awaken their faith and love. It is a plea for God to reignite their spiritual passion and enthusiasm for Him. This is a relatable sentiment for many believers who may feel their faith has grown stagnant or lukewarm. We all desire that fervency and that comes from a deep and intimate relationship with God.

The hymn continues with a beautiful analogy, comparing God to our dwelling place in every age. Just as a home provides shelter and security from the storm, God is our refuge. When ‘s trials and tribulations come our way, we can find solace and comfort in His loving embrace. He is the safe and warm shelter that we can run to in times of trouble.

As we reflect on this analogy, it reminds us of the steadfastness and constancy of God’s love. He never changes, and His love for us remains unwavering. In a world that often feels unstable and uncertain, knowing that we have a reliable and unchanging refuge in God brings us great peace.

The songwriter also acknowledges that in God’s love, we find our heritage. Just as a family tree traces our ancestry and roots, our spiritual heritage can be found in God’s love and faithfulness throughout the ages. We can take comfort in knowing that we are a part of something greater than ourselves, connected to a long line of believers who have sought refuge in God.

In times of distress or uncertainty, we are called to perform our vows to God. This means that even in difficult circumstances, we must remain faithful to Him and His teachings. It’s easy to stray from our commitment when life gets tough, but the hymn reminds us that God is our source of strength and guidance. He will help us stay true to our promises and maintain our devotion to Him.

Father divine, we come before You with hearts and grateful spirits. We thank You for the privilege of approaching Your throne and laying our requests before You. Help us always to remember the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice and the access it gives us to You. Kindle the fire of devotion within our hearts, inspire our hope and zeal, and awaken our faith and love. Be our dwelling place in every age, our refuge from the storm, and our shelter safe and warm. Help us remain faithful to You in all circumstances, that we may honor the vows we have made to You. We trust in Your unfailing love and rely on Your strength. Thank You for being our Heavenly Father, who listens to our prayers and cares for us deeply. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In conclusion, the hymn “Father Before Thy Throne My Soul Would Bow” reminds us of the privilege we have as believers to approach God in prayer. We are assured that He hears our requests and answers for the sake of Jesus. The songwriter humbly acknowledges their guilt but asks God to kindle the fire of devotion within their heart. Through beautiful analogies, the hymn portrays God as our dwelling place, our refuge from the storm, and our heritage. It concludes by urging us to perform our vows and remain faithful to God. May we always remember the significance of approaching God’s throne and find comfort in His unchanging love and faithfulness.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Come before God and pray with the hymn Father Before Thy Throne My Soul Would Bow. Acknowledge God's love, seek forgiveness, and ask for renewed faith and love. Find refuge and heritage in God's unwavering love and perform your vows to Him.


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