Ye Faithful Souls Who Jesus Know – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Power of Jesus' Resurrection | Follow Christ

Ye Faithful Souls Who Jesus Know – Hymn Lyric

“Ye Faithful Who Jesus Know: Declaring the Power of His Resurrection” is an uplifting by John Wesley that encourages believers to proclaim Jesus’ resurrection through their actions and attitudes. By showing forgiveness, seeking spiritual treasures, and following Jesus as their Head, faithful souls demonstrate the transformative power of Christ’s resurrection. This hymn reminds believers to live in a way that reflects their identity in Christ and points others to the hope of eternal .


Ye Faithful Souls Who Jesus Know – Hymn Lyric

Ye faithful souls, who Jesus know,
If indeed with him ye are,
Superior to the joys below,
His resurrection’s power declare.

Your faith by holy tempers prove,
By actions show your sins forgiven,
And seek the glorious things above,
And follow Christ, your Head, to .

There your exalted Saviour see,
Seated at ‘s right hand again,
In all his ‘s ,
In everlasting power to reign.

To him continually aspire,
Contending for your native place;
And emulate the angel choir,
And only live to love and .

For who by faith your Lord receive,
Ye nothing seek or want beside;
Dead to the world and sin ye live,
Your creature-love is crucified.

Your real life, with Christ concealed,
Deep in the Father’s bosom lies;
And, glorious as your Head revealed,
Ye soon shall meet him in the skies.


Meaning of Ye Faithful Souls Who Jesus Know

Ye Faithful Souls Who Jesus Know: Declaring the Power of His Resurrection

In this uplifting hymn, written by John Wesley, we are reminded of the power and significance of Jesus’ resurrection. As faithful believers who know and follow Jesus, we are called to proclaim His resurrection and live in a way that reflects the new life we have received.

The hymn begins by addressing those who have a personal relationship with Jesus, acknowledging their status as those who have been united with Him in His resurrection. By understanding and embracing this truth, we are encouraged to recognize that we are no longer bound by the temporary joys and pleasures of this world. Instead, we are called to declare the power of Jesus’ resurrection through our actions and attitudes.

To declare the power of Jesus’ resurrection, our faith must be evident through our holy tempers and actions. It’s not enough to simply claim to have faith; our lives must demonstrate its transformative power. We should strive to show forgiveness to others, modeling the forgiveness we have received from God. By seeking the things above – eternal and spiritual treasures – we demonstrate that our hearts and minds are set on Christ and His kingdom.

A key aspect of proclaiming the power of Jesus’ resurrection is following Him as our Head. Just as a body follows the direction of its head, we are called to follow Jesus in all aspects of our lives. We are to continually look to Him as our example and guide, seeking to align our thoughts, words, and actions with His teachings and commandments. This requires a constant aspiration to grow closer to Him, always striving to be more like Him in our thoughts, actions, and attitudes.

As we seek to emulate the angelic choir, our lives should be characterized by love and praise. Love is the defining characteristic of a true of Christ. By extending love to others and worshiping and praising God with our whole being, we become living testimonies of the transformative power of the resurrection. Our love for the world and sinful desires is crucified, as we recognize that our true life is found in Christ.

This true life that is concealed in Christ is described as being hidden in the Father’s bosom. It is a life that is deeply connected to God, secure in His love and provision. Just as Jesus, our Head, is now seated at the right hand of God in all His majesty and power, we can have confidence that one day we will be reunited with Him in the skies. Our hope is in the promise of eternal life, where we will experience the fullness of joy and glory in the presence of our Savior.

In conclusion, this hymn serves as a beautiful reminder to all faithful believers of our identity in Christ and the power of His resurrection. We are called to declare this power through our holy tempers, actions, and attitudes. By following Jesus as our Head, aspiring to be like Him and always seeking His guidance, we can live lives that reflect His love and bring glory to His name. As we embrace the truth that our real life is hidden in Christ, our hope is anchored in the promise of eternal life and the assurance of being reunited with Him in the skies. Let us, therefore, be faithful souls who know Jesus and faithfully declare the power of His resurrection.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Power of Jesus' Resurrection | Follow Christ, Ascend to Heaven | Embrace Your True Life in Christ | Ye Faithful Souls Who Jesus Know


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