Though Loved Ones Vanish From My Side – Hymn Lyric

Experience comfort and assurance in the presence of Jesus. Find solace through life's challenges and losses. Know that you have Jesus by your side.

Though Loved Ones Vanish From My Side – Hymn Lyric

In the “Though Loved Ones Vanish From My Side,” the lyrics express a deep sense of comfort and assurance in the presence of . Even when faced with grief, pain, heavy burdens, and trials, the narrator finds solace and strength in knowing that they have Jesus by their side. The hymn serves as a reminder that even in the darkest times, we are not alone, and we can find and assurance in knowing that we have Jesus by our side.


Though Loved Ones Vanish From My Side – Hymn Lyric

Tho’ loved ones vanish from my side,
And grief and pain with me reside,
I still am fully satisfied-
I know that I have Jesus.

Jesus, Jesus,
Gentle, loving Jesus!
For life and for ,
I know that I have Jesus.

Tho’ heavy be my load of care,
And trials meet me everywhere,
With patience, I my will bear,-
I know that I have Jesus.

Jesus, Jesus,
Gentle, loving Jesus!
For life and for eternity,
I know that I have Jesus.

When Satan’s arrows round me fly,
And , a torrent, rushes by,
A never-failing is nigh,-
I know that I have Jesus.

Jesus, Jesus,
Gentle, loving Jesus!
For life and for eternity,
I know that I have Jesus.

And when the angel shall appear,
To call me through the valley drear,
I shall not dread, nor doubt, nor fear,-
I know that I have Jesus.

Jesus, Jesus,
Gentle, loving Jesus!
For life and for eternity,
I know that I have Jesus.


Meaning of Though Loved Ones Vanish From My Side

In the hymn “Though Loved Ones Vanish From My Side,” the lyrics express a deep sense of comfort and assurance in the presence of Jesus. Even when faced with grief, pain, heavy burdens, and trials, the narrator finds solace and strength in knowing that they have Jesus by their side.

Life can often be filled with unpredictable circumstances that lead to the loss of loved ones. It can be heartbreaking when someone we care about is no longer with us, and the void they leave behind can be difficult to navigate. However, even in the midst of this pain, the narrator finds contentment in the knowledge that they have Jesus. This understanding brings them peace and reassurance, reminding them that they are not alone.

The of the hymn emphasizes the gentle and loving nature of Jesus. This portrayal of Jesus as a caring and compassionate presence is an essential aspect of the narrator’s faith. They draw strength from this belief, knowing that Jesus is with them not just in this life but for all eternity.

Life often presents us with challenges and burdens that can feel overwhelming. The verses of the hymn acknowledge the heavy load of care that the narrator carries. However, rather than succumbing to despair, they choose to bear their cross with patience. This outlook reflects the resilience and determination to face difficulties head-on, knowing that Jesus is there to provide solace and support.

Facing the trials and of life can be daunting, especially when it feels like we are being attacked from all sides. The imagery of Satan’s arrows and the rush of sin serves as a metaphor for the challenges and temptations that the narrator encounters. Yet, despite these struggles, they find comfort in the unwavering presence of Jesus. They see Jesus as a never-failing friend, someone who is always there to provide guidance and protection.

The hymn also touches on the inevitability of death. The narrator acknowledges that one day, an angel will appear to call them through the dreary valley of death. But instead of dread, doubt, or fear, they face this prospect with confidence. They do not fear the unknown because they know that they have Jesus. This assurance in Jesus’ presence gives them courage to face the future with and peace.

In conclusion, the hymn “Though Loved Ones Vanish From My Side” beautifully conveys a sense of comfort and assurance in the presence of Jesus. It speaks to the reality of life’s challenges and losses while emphasizing the unwavering support and love offered by Jesus. By choosing to focus on the presence of Jesus, the narrator finds solace and strength to face whatever comes their way. This hymn serves as a reminder that even in the darkest times, we are not alone, and we can find peace and assurance in knowing that we have Jesus by our side.


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