When In Jesus We Believe – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort in Jesus's promise of love and protection. Accept His pardon and experience peace in times of trouble. Sing of His mercy and join the chorus of angels

When In Jesus We Believe – Hymn Lyric

When In Jesus We Believe: Finding Comfort in His Promise When we believe in Jesus and accept His pardon, our are filled with comfort and peace, assuring us that we will be covered with the shadow of His wings. As we sing of His mercy, let us remember that even the angels join in the , creating a harmonious symphony that resonates like the rolling sea. Through in Jesus, we find peace with God, joy that surpasses all understanding, and for an eternal future with Him.


When In Jesus We Believe – Hymn Lyric

When in Jesus we believe, and His pardon we receive,
What a comfort to the the promise brings;
That the weary and oppressed, when they come to Him for rest,
He will cover with the shadow of His wings.

O sing the greatness of His mercy,
those that seek Him ever full and free;
O sing, while angels join the chorus,
Rolling onward like the sea.

When in Jesus we abide, and by faith are justified,
We have peace with God the Father through His Name;
And the joy that fills the , though its earthly hopes depart,
Through His all atoning merit we may claim.

When in Jesus we are one we can say, His will be done,
We can trust Him where perhaps we cannot trace;
For he keeps us by His power, every moment, every hour,
And we feel the sweet refreshing of His .

Oh, the whispers of His love, how they cheer us from above,
While they tell of yonder mansions bright and fair;
Where, beyond the swelling tide, we shall at His side,
And be gathered with the saints in glory there.


Meaning of When In Jesus We Believe

When In Jesus We Believe: Finding Comfort in His Promise

In times of trouble and despair, it is often difficult to find solace. However, when we believe in Jesus and accept His pardon, our souls are filled with comfort and peace. The promise of His love and protection brings hope to the weary and oppressed, assuring them that they will be covered with the shadow of His wings.

The greatness of Jesus’s mercy knows no bounds. He extends His love and forgiveness to all who seek Him with a genuine heart. It is important to remember that this love is not only abundant but also free. There is no price to pay or favor to earn; it is a gift waiting to be accepted by those who are willing to seek Him.

As we sing of His mercy, let us be reminded that even the angels join in the chorus. Their voices blend with ours, creating a harmonious symphony that resonates like the rolling sea. This image of unity and harmony portrays the encompassing nature of Jesus’s love and mercy. It is a powerful force that unites all who believe in Him.

When we abide in Jesus and have faith in His sacrifice, we are not only justified but also find peace with God the Father. Our earthly hopes may fade and disappoint, but the joy that fills our hearts through Jesus’s atoning merit is unwavering. It is a joy that surpasses all understanding and remains constant, even in the face of adversity.

This faith in Jesus empowers us to trust in Him when we cannot trace His plans for our lives. His will be done, even when we do not fully comprehend it. We can take comfort in the fact that He keeps us by His power, every moment of every hour. His grace is a source of sweet refreshment, lifting us up from the weariness of life and rejuvenating our spirits.

Oh, how whispered words of His love cheer to our souls! From above, He assures us of the existence of yonder mansions bright and fair. These whispered promises remind us that our earthly struggles are temporary, and there is a greater reward awaiting us beyond the swelling tide. Anchored at His side, we will be gathered with the saints in glory, experiencing eternal joy and peace.

In conclusion, when we believe in Jesus and accept His pardon, our souls experience a profound sense of comfort. Resting in His love, we find solace in His promises. His mercy extends freely to all who seek Him, and when we sing of His greatness, our voices join with the angels in a chorus that echoes like the rolling sea. Through faith in Jesus, we find peace with God and joy that transcends our earthly hopes. Trusting in His will, we are kept by His power and refreshed by His grace. And as we listen to the whispers of His love, we are filled with hope for the future and the promise of glory with Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find comfort in Jesus's promise of love and protection. Accept His pardon and experience peace in times of trouble. Sing of His mercy and join the chorus of angels, seeking His all-encompassing love. Through faith, find solace, joy, and trust in His will.


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