Jesus Our Love Is Crucified – Hymn Lyric

Join Mary in mourning the crucifixion of Jesus and reflect on love

Jesus Our Love Is Crucified – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Jesus Our Love Is Crucified,” we are called to reflect on love, sacrifice, and victory. Through powerful imagery and heartfelt words, we Jesus’ immense love amidst adversity and His forgiveness for humanity. As we delve deeper into the themes of this hymn, we are reminded to embrace love, forgiveness, and the transformative power of the cross in our own lives.


Jesus Our Love Is Crucified – Hymn Lyric

O! come and mourn with me awhile,
See, calls us to her side;
Oh! come and let us mourn with her,
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.

Jesus, our Love, is crucified,
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.

Have we no tears to shed for Him,
While scoff and Jews deride?
Ah! look how patiently He hangs;
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.

Jesus, our Love, is crucified,
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.

Seven times He spoke, seven words of love,
And all three hours His silence cried
For mercy on the of men;
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.

Jesus, our Love, is crucified,
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.

Death and Jesus meekly bowed;
His failing Eyes He strove to guide
With mindful love to Mary’s face;
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.

Jesus, our Love, is crucified,
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.

Come, take stand beneath the Cross,
And let the Blood from out that side,
Fall gently on thee drop by drop;
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.

Jesus, our Love, is crucified,
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.

O love of God! O of Man!
In this dread act your strength is tried;
And victory remains with love,
For He, our Love, is crucified.

Jesus, our Love, is crucified,
Jesus, our Love, is crucified.


Meaning of Jesus Our Love Is Crucified

Jesus Our Love Is Crucified: A Reflection on Love, Sacrifice, and Victory


In the solemn hymn, “Jesus Our Love Is Crucified,” we are called to come and mourn with Mary as she invites us to witness the crucifixion of Jesus. This hymn serves as a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus out of love for humankind. Through powerful imagery and heartfelt words, the hymn encourages us to reflect on the significance of this act and the profound victory that emerges from it. Let us delve deeper into the themes of love, sacrifice, and victory showcased in this timeless hymn.

Love Amidst Adversity:

As we to the hymn, we are reminded of the immense love that Jesus had for all humanity. Despite the soldiers scoffing and the Jews deriding Him, Jesus hangs on the cross with patience and compassion. Throughout His crucifixion, Jesus demonstrates boundless love that surpasses the cruelty inflicted upon Him. This love is one that is unbreakable and unwavering, showing us the strength and power of true love.

The Seven Words of Love:

In the midst of His suffering, Jesus utters seven words of love. These words hold immense significance, as they reveal His forgiveness, mercy, and redemption for the souls of humankind. The hymn highlights the profound impact of these words, underscoring the importance of embracing love and forgiveness in our own lives. Jesus’ silence during those three hours echoes the depths of His love, which speaks louder than any words ever could.

Mary’s Love and Guidance:

Jesus, in His final moments, directs His failing eyes towards His mother Mary. This moment signifies the deep bond of love between a mother and her . Despite her own grief, Mary stands beneath the cross, offering solace and support to Jesus. Her unwavering love is a reminder of the strength and compassion that can be found in the face of unimaginable pain. Mary’s presence signifies the importance of finding comfort in the love and support of others during challenging times.

The Power of the Cross:

The hymn invites us to take our stand beneath the cross, allowing the blood flowing from Jesus’ side to fall gently upon us. This imagery reminds us of the profound sacrifice Jesus made for our salvation. Through His blood, Jesus offers us redemption and the opportunity to experience divine love and forgiveness. It is an invitation for us to fully immerse ourselves in the power and significance of the cross, recognizing its transformative effects in our lives.

Love’s Ultimate Victory:

The hymn concludes by proclaiming the triumph of love over sin and death. Jesus’ crucifixion is not an act of defeat; rather, it is a demonstration of ultimate victory. His sacrifice on the cross bridges the gap between humanity and God, offering salvation to all who seek it. In this act of love and sacrifice, Jesus conquers sin and paves the way for eternal life. The victory lies in the love that overcomes all, reminding us to embrace love in our own lives and strive for reconciliation and forgiveness.


“Jesus Our Love Is Crucified” invites us to reflect on the profound implications of Jesus’ crucifixion. It is a hymn that resonates with the themes of love, sacrifice, and victory. Through its lyrical verses, we witness the depths of Jesus’ love, the power of forgiveness, and the triumph of love over sin and death. As we delve into the depths of this hymn, may we find solace, inspiration, and a understanding of the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Let us embrace His love, walk in His footsteps, and strive to share His compassion with others as we navigate our own paths in life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join Mary in mourning the crucifixion of Jesus and reflect on love, sacrifice, and victory. Explore the profound impact of His words and the power of the cross. Embrace love and forgiveness.


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