Jesus Shepherd Of The Sheep Pity My Unsettled Soul – Hymn Lyric

Experience the unwavering love of Jesus

Jesus Shepherd Of The Sheep Pity My Unsettled Soul – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, of the Sheep, offers guidance and nourishment to our unsettled souls. With his unwavering and constancy, he can bring wholeness and stability to our ever-changing lives. Through faith, hope, and love, we can find peace and strength in the care of Jesus, our Shepherd.


Jesus Shepherd Of The Sheep Pity My Unsettled Soul – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, Shepherd of the sheep,
Pity my unsettled soul!
Guide and nourish me and keep,
Till thy love shall make me whole:

Give me, perfect soundness give,
Make me steadfastly believe.

I am never at one stay,
Changing every hour I am:
But art, as yesterday,
Now and evermore the same;

Constancy to me impart,
‘Stablish with thy grace my heart.

Lay thy weighty cross on me,
All my unbelief control:
Till the rebel cease to be,
Keep him down within my soul:

That he never more may move,
Root and ground me fast in love.

Give me faith to hold me up,
Walking over ‘s rough sea;
Holy, purifying hope
Still my soul’s sure be:

That I may be always thine,
Perfect me in love divine.


Meaning of Jesus Shepherd Of The Sheep Pity My Unsettled Soul

Jesus, Shepherd of the sheep, I come to you with a humble heart, seeking your guidance and nourishment. My soul is unsettled, constantly shifting and changing. But you, Jesus, are a steadfast and unchanging presence in my life. Your love has the power to bring wholeness to my soul.

In this ever-changing world, I often find myself lost and uncertain. I am never at one stay, constantly swayed by the shifting winds of circumstance. But you, Jesus, are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Your constancy is the anchor that I desperately need. Please, impart that constancy to me. Stabilize my heart with your grace, so that I may stand firm amidst the storms of life.

Lord, I acknowledge my struggles with unbelief. Like a rebel within me, doubt and skepticism often fill my thoughts. But I surrender to you, Jesus. Lay your weighty cross upon me, and with it, control my unbelief. Silence the rebel within my soul, so that it may never again rise up. Root and ground me fast in your love, Lord, so that doubt may have no power over me.

Faith, dear Jesus, is what I need to navigate through the rough sea of life. Give me the faith to hold me up when challenges come my way. Just as you walked on water, help me walk over life’s rough sea with unwavering trust in you. Let faith be the firm foundation upon which I stand, knowing that you are always by my side.

Hope, sweet Jesus, is the anchor of my soul. In this world full of uncertainties and disappointments, I cling to the hope that you offer. Let holy and purifying hope be the guiding in my darkest moments. May it strengthen me when I am weak, and remind me that I am yours forever. With hope as my anchor, I can face any storm that life brings.

Jesus, Shepherd of the sheep, I long to be perfected in your divine love. Your love is transformative, the brokenness within me. I surrender myself to you, asking that you perfect me in love divine. Mold me according to your will, so that I may reflect your love to those around me. Let your love be the driving force in my life, shaping my thoughts, words, and actions.

As I this , I pour out my heart to you, Jesus. I trust in your shepherding care, knowing that you will guide me through all the ups and downs of life. You are my Shepherd, and I am your sheep. Pity my unsettled soul, and lead me into the peace that only you can provide.

In conclusion, Jesus, Shepherd of the sheep, I am grateful for your unwavering love and care. I surrender my doubts, fears, and uncertainties to you, knowing that you can bring healing and wholeness to my soul. Help me to walk in faith, anchored in hope, and perfected in love. Guide me, nourish me, and keep me, until the day your love makes me whole. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the unwavering love of Jesus, Shepherd of the sheep. Find guidance, nourishment, and peace for your unsettled soul. Trust in His constancy, rooted in love divine.


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