Soldier Of Jesus On To The Front – Hymn Lyric

Embrace courage and faith as a Soldier of Jesus On To The Front. Stay true to your word

Soldier Of Jesus On To The Front – Hymn Lyric

“Soldier of Jesus On To The Front” is a hymn that calls to embrace courage and faith in times of struggle. It reminds us to trust in the Lord and remain true to our word. By staying loyal to Jesus, we can find strength to overcome obstacles and ultimately claim victory in our spiritual battles.


Soldier Of Jesus On To The Front – Hymn Lyric

Soldier of Jesus,
On to the front!
Struggle a little longer!
Trust in the Lord,
Confide in His word-
Faith makes the heart grow stronger!

Firm be! Courageous,
Valiant and true,
For there is trial yet for you!
Heed not the conflict,
Long tho’ it be,
For yet it will end in victory.

On to the front,
Be true to your word!
Doubting or falt’ never;
Whole-hearted be,
And loyal to Jesus,
And reign in His glory forever.

Hear ye the song
Of in despair,
Loud for the calling!
See! Near and far,
At home and abroad,
Error and sin appalling!

Brave hearts are needed,
Patient and strong,
Meet for a service stern and long!
Whole-hearted, noble,
Christian and true,
There waiteth a victor’s crown for you!


Strong is the foe,
Both subtle and wise,
Watchful, alert, contending!
Be on your guard
By day and by ,
Ever your cause defending.

Long, dreary marches
Soon will be o’er;
Conflict and battle rage no more;
Parting, and pain
And sorrow shall cease,
And end in everlasting peace.


Meaning of Soldier Of Jesus On To The Front

Soldier Of Jesus On To The Front: A Call to Courage and Faith

In times of conflict and struggle, it can be easy to feel discouraged and overwhelmed. But as the hymn “Soldier of Jesus” reminds us, we must press on and trust in the Lord, for faith has the power to make our hearts grow stronger. This message of unwavering determination and loyalty to Jesus resonates with Christians across the globe.

As we delve into the verses of this hymn, we are reminded of the importance of remaining true to our word, whole-hearted in our commitment to . Doubt and faltering have no place in the of a soldier of Jesus. Instead, we are called to be courageous, valiant, and true, for we know that the trials we face are not in vain. There is victory awaiting us on the horizon.

The refrain echoes the call to action and the need for unwavering loyalty. In a world where error and sin are rampant, the gospel is calling for brave hearts and souls who are to stand up for what is right. The urgency in the hymn’s words reminds us of the importance of being whole-hearted in our devotion to Christ, both at home and abroad. By remaining loyal to Jesus, we have the opportunity to reign in His glory forever.

The second verse highlights the desperate need for the gospel in a world plagued by despair. Souls are crying out for hope and salvation. They need to see the transformative power of Christ’s love. In order to be effective in this mission, we must embody qualities of patience and strength. We are called to be noble and true, ready to serve in whatever way calls us. In doing so, we can claim the victor’s crown that awaits those who remain steadfast until the end.

Acknowledging the strength and subtlety of our spiritual foe, the hymn cautions us to be watchful and alert. Our cause is worth defending, and we must be prepared to do so day and night. The path we tread as soldiers of Jesus may be long and arduous, but we can take comfort in the knowledge that it will not last forever. The conflicts and battles we face will come to an end, and the pains and sorrows we endure will be replaced by everlasting peace.

The title of the hymn itself, “Soldier of Jesus On To The Front,” encapsulates the essence of the message. It serves as a rallying cry for Christians to step forward and engage in the ongoing spiritual battle. We are called to be active participants rather than passive spectators. The frontlines are not a place for the faint-hearted, but for those who are willing to trust in the Lord, rely on His word, and walk in faith.

It is important to remember that this hymn was written during a specific historical context. The language used may seem militaristic, but it is meant to convey a metaphorical struggle against spiritual forces rather than a call to physical violence. We are soldiers in a spiritual sense, fighting for the cause of Christ in a fallen world.

In conclusion, “Soldier of Jesus On To The Front” is a powerful hymn that encourages Christians to embrace courage and faith in the face of struggle and opposition. By remaining true to our word, whole-hearted in our loyalty, and steadfast in our commitment to Jesus, we can find strength and hope. As we navigate the battlefields of life, let us remember the words of this hymn and press on, knowing that victory awaits us on the other side.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace courage and faith as a Soldier of Jesus On To The Front. Stay true to your word, unwavering in loyalty. Victory awaits those who remain steadfast.


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