Jesus The Great High Priest – Hymn Lyric

Experience the blessings of Jesus

Jesus The Great High Priest – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus the Great High Priest: Bringing Atonement and . This hymn highlights Jesus’s role as our and the immense sacrifice He made for us. Through His atonement, we can find forgiveness, blessings, and a personal relationship with Him as our leader and advocate.”


Jesus The Great High Priest – Hymn Lyric

Jesus the great High Priest
Hath full attonement made,
Will make his people truly bless’d
Who own him for their head.

The Priests ordain’d of old,
They answer’d to their times:
But all their off’ring never could
Attone for all their crimes.

But Christ the Saviour brings
Off’rings of greater worth–
Than typ’s and shadow of those things
That only held him forth.

Not blood of Calves or Goates
Did Jesus sacrifice;
To cleanse the soul from sin and spots,
Must be of greater price.

Jesus by his own blood,
Went in that holy ,
And sacrifc’d himself to God,
To save all Adam’s race.

He ever reigns above
And for us interceeds:
There manifests his tender love,
And there our causes pleasds.


Meaning of Jesus The Great High Priest

Jesus the Great High Priest: Bringing Atonement and Blessings

In the hymn “Jesus the Great High Priest,” we are reminded of the immense sacrifice and love that Jesus, our Savior, has for us. As the Great High Priest, Jesus has made full atonement for our and continues to bless those who acknowledge Him as their leader.

The hymn begins by stating, “Jesus the great High Priest Hath full atonement made, Will make his people truly bless’d Who own him for their head.” Here, we see that Jesus, as the Great High Priest, has made complete amends for our sins. Through His sacrificial act on the cross, He offers us forgiveness and salvation. By recognizing Jesus as our leader and surrendering our lives to Him, we can experience true blessings and find fulfillment.

The hymn goes on to compare Jesus to the priests of old, stating, “The Priests ordained of old, They answered to their times: But all their offering never could for all their crimes.” In ancient times, priests were appointed to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people. However, their sacrifices were insufficient to fully atone for the sins of humanity. The hymn emphasizes that Jesus, on the other , brings of greater worth than the symbolic offerings of the past. His sacrifice holds the power to cleanse our from sin and guilt.

The hymn continues, “Not blood of Calves or Goats Did Jesus sacrifice; To cleanse the soul from sin and spots, Must be of greater price.” Here, we learn that Jesus did not offer the blood of animals like calves or goats, as the old priests did. Instead, Jesus sacrificed Himself, shedding His own blood to cleanse our souls from sin. This act of selflessness and love demonstrates the value and worth that Jesus places on our redemption.

The hymn further proclaims that Jesus, by His own blood, entered into the holy place and sacrificed Himself to God. Through this sacrifice, He became the means of salvation for all of humanity, offering forgiveness and eternal life to anyone who accepts His gift. Jesus’s sacrifice is not limited to a particular group but is available to everyone, regardless of their background or past.

Additionally, the hymn tells us that Jesus ever reigns above and intercedes for us. It states, “He ever reigns above And for us intercedes: There manifests his tender love, And there our causes please.” This verse reminds us that Jesus, as the Great High Priest, continues to advocate for us in the heavenly . He prays for us, shows us His tender love, and pleads our case before God. This reassures us that we are not alone in our , but we have a loving and caring High Priest who is always with us.

In conclusion, “Jesus the Great High Priest” is a hymn that beautifully expresses the significance of Jesus’s sacrifice and His role as our leader and advocate. Through His atonement, Jesus brings blessings and salvation to those who acknowledge Him as their head. His offering is far greater than the sacrifices of the past, as He sacrificed Himself to cleanse our souls from sin. As we recognize Jesus as our Great High Priest, we can experience the love, forgiveness, and blessings that come from having a personal relationship with Him. Let us embrace Jesus as our leader, and may His tender love and intercession bring hope and renewal to our lives.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the blessings of Jesus, the Great High Priest, through His atonement and love. Find forgiveness and salvation as you acknowledge Him as your leader. Embrace His tender love and intercession for a renewed life.


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