A Simple Servant – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound love and humility of being a simple servant. Experience a touch like no other and embrace your unique role in touching the garment of a King. Find meaning and purpose in "A Simple Servant."

A Simple Servant – Hymn Lyric



A Simple Servant – Hymn Lyric

A like this, no one has ever loved me
Like this, nothing and no one can explain
This feeling, a touch like this, no one has
Ever touched me like this, I can feel You
Here, so deep down in my

But who am I?
A simple servant, I know I am!
Touching the garment of a King,
The garment of Jesus

But who am I, that You will hear
My ? If angels praise You
All day long, by Your
Throne in heaven


Meaning of A Simple Servant

There is something truly special about the love that is expressed in the hymn “A Simple Servant.” It speaks of a love so profound and unmatched, a love that surpasses human understanding. As the verse states, “A love like this, no one has ever loved me like this, nothing and no one can explain.” It is a love that is both transformative and comforting, reminding us of the deep connection we have with a power.

The hymn also emphasizes the significance of touch in expressing this love. “A touch like this, no one has ever touched me like this, I can feel You here, so deep down in my heart.” This touch is not only physical but also spiritual, as it conveys a sense of closeness and intimacy with the divine. It is through this touch that we can experience the presence of a higher being in our lives.

But who am I? The hymn poses this question, highlighting the humility and recognition of one’s in relation to the divine. It acknowledges that despite our own feelings of insignificance, we are valued and heard by the divine. “A simple servant, I know I am! Touching the garment of a King, the garment of Jesus.” This acknowledgement of being a servant underscores the idea that our role is not to dominate or control, but to with humility and .

In today’s , where self-importance and individualism often take center stage, it is refreshing to be reminded of the importance of humility. Being a simple servant does not diminish one’s worth or purpose in . Rather, it allows us to recognize our interconnectedness and dependence on something greater than ourselves.

When questioning who we are and if our voice matters, the hymn assures us that our song is heard. “But who am I, that You will hear my song? If angels praise You all day long, by Your shining throne in heaven.” This recognition of the divine’s attention and recognition towards us is both humbling and empowering. It ignites a sense of purpose and encourages us to use our voices to express our love and gratitude.

In a world filled with noise and distractions, it is easy to feel insignificant or overlooked. However, the hymn “A Simple Servant” reminds us that our voices, no matter how small, carry weight and meaning. It encourages us to embrace our unique roles as servants, listening for the divine call and responding with love and devotion.

Now more than ever, it is crucial to remember the significance of simplicity and humility. In a hyper-connected world that often values fame and fortune, being a simple servant is a rebellious act. It is a choice to focus on connection and service rather than personal gain.

As the hymn comes to a close, it invites us to reflect on our own identities and the relationships we cultivate with the divine. It challenges us to embrace our roles as servants, no matter how grand or humble they may be. It encourages us to touch the garment of a King, to experience the love and presence of Jesus in our lives.

In conclusion, “A Simple Servant” is a hymn that speaks to the profound love and humility we can experience in our relationship with the divine. It reminds us of the significance of touch, both physical and spiritual, in expressing and feeling this love. The hymn invites us to reflect on our own identities and embrace our roles as servants, acknowledging that our voices are heard and cherished. May we all strive to be simple servants, touching the garment of a King, and experiencing the transformative love that surpasses all understanding.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound love and humility of being a simple servant. Experience a touch like no other and embrace your unique role in touching the garment of a King. Find meaning and purpose in A Simple Servant.


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