All All To Jesus I Consecrate Anew – Hymn Lyric


All All To Jesus I Consecrate Anew – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “All, All to Jesus I Consecrate Anew,” the songwriter expresses their deep commitment to Jesus and their desire to dedicate their entire to Him. Through surrendering everything to Jesus and recognizing Him as their portion, they find true worth and joy. The hymn serves as a reminder to prioritize Jesus above all else and live with the assurance that He is our portion forever.


All All To Jesus I Consecrate Anew – Hymn Lyric

All, all to Jesus, I consecrate anew,
He is my portion forever;
Only His glory, henchforth [sic] will I pursue,
He is my portion forever.

Take, take the world with all its gilded toys,
Take, take the world I covet not its joys.
Mine is a no moth nor rust destroys;
Jesus my portion forever.

All, all to Jesus, my trusting heart can say,
He is my portion forever;
Led by His mercy I’m ev’ry day,
He is my portion forever.

Though He may try me this truth I know,
He is my portion forever;
He will not leave me, His promise tells me so,
He is my portion forever.

All, all to Jesus, I cheerfully resign,
He is my portion forever;
I have the that He, my Lord, is mine,
He is my portion forever.


Meaning of All All To Jesus I Consecrate Anew

All, All to Jesus I Consecrate Anew: Finding True Worth and Joy

In this beautiful hymn, the songwriter expresses their deep commitment to Jesus and their desire to dedicate their entire life to Him. The words resonate with a sense of surrender and assurance, highlighting the endless value of having Jesus as their sole focus and source of joy. Let us explore the significance of these lyrics and how they can inspire us to live a life devoted to Christ.

The opening line, “All, all to Jesus, I consecrate anew,” sets the tone for the hymn. Here, the author declares their intention to surrender everything to Jesus once again. The repetition of “all” emphasizes the totality of their dedication, leaving no room for partial commitment. It serves as a reminder for us to examine our own lives and consider if we have truly given our all to the Lord.

The subsequent line, “He is my portion forever,” reveals the immense value the songwriter finds in Jesus. In biblical terms, one’s portion refers to their inheritance, possession, or share. By professing Jesus as their portion, the author acknowledges that everything they , desire, and find fulfillment in can be found in Him alone. This concept is incredibly powerful, especially in a world filled with distractions and fleeting pleasures.

The refrain of the hymn reinforces this idea of finding true wealth and choosing to disregard the temporary allure of worldly pleasures. The songwriter proclaims, “Take, take the world with all its gilded toys, take, take the world I covet not its joys.” Through these words, the author emphasizes the transitory nature of earthly possessions and the emptiness they ultimately bring. They declare their rejection of materialistic pursuits and acknowledge the everlasting richness found in a life fully devoted to Christ.

As the hymn continues, the verses further explore the songwriter’s unwavering trust in Jesus. They express how they are led by His mercy each day and confidently proclaim that He will never abandon them. Embedded within these words are echoes of Psalm 23, where the psalmist declares, “The Lord is my , I lack nothing.” Just as a shepherd guides and provides for their sheep, the songwriter acknowledges Jesus as their constant source of guidance, provision, and security.

The hymn culminates with the lyrics, “All, all to Jesus, I cheerfully resign. He is my portion forever. I have the witness that He, my Lord, is mine.” Here, the author surrenders all to Jesus, recognizing Him as their ultimate treasure. This expression of cheerful resignation indicates a willingness to let go of personal desires, trusting that Jesus’ plans and provisions are far superior. They also acknowledge the deep personal relationship they have with Jesus, stating that He is theirs and they are His.

Overall, “All, All to Jesus I Consecrate Anew” serves as a beautiful reminder of the intrinsic worth and joy found in dedicating our lives fully to Christ. By following the example set by the songwriter, we too can experience the immeasurable benefits of choosing Jesus as our portion. Our time, talents, and can be offered to Him, knowing that His promises are true and His are everlasting. May this hymn inspire us to prioritize Him above all else and walk in the assurance that He is our portion forever.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image All, All to Jesus I Consecrate Anew: Discover the True Meaning of Surrendering to Jesus and Finding Lasting Joy. Embrace a Life Devoted to Christ.


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