All Those That Pass By To Jesus Draw Near – Hymn Lyric
In this uplifting hymn, Jesus extends a heartfelt invitation to all who pass by. No matter how broken or unworthy they may feel, Jesus welcomes them with open arms, offering salvation, grace, and the transforming power of love. As sinners draw near to Jesus, they can find fulfillment, comfort, and guidance through the Holy Spirit, and experience a life overflowing with blessings and joy.
Table of Contents
All Those That Pass By To Jesus Draw Near – Hymn Lyric
All those that pass by,
to Jesus draw near,
He utters a cry,
ye sinners, give ear!
From hell to retrieve you
He spreads out His hands;
And now to receive you,
He graciously stands.
If any man thirst,
and happy would be,
The vilest and worst
may come unto Me,
May drink of My Spirit,
excepted is none,
Lay claim to My merit,
and take for his own.
Whoever receives
the life giving Word,
In Jesus believes,
his God and his Lord,
In him a pure river
of life shall arise,
Shall in the believer
spring up to the skies.
My God and my Lord!
Thy call I obey,
My soul on Thy word
of promise I stay,
Thy kind invitation
I gladly embrace,
Athirst for salvation,
salvation by grace.
O hasten the hour!
Send down from above
The Spirit of power,
of health, and of love,
Of filial fear,
of knowledge and grace,
Of wisdom and prayer,
of joy and of praise.
The Spirit of faith,
of faith in Thy blood,
Which saves us from wrath,
and brings us to God,
Removes the huge mountain
of indwelling sin,
And opens a fountain
that washes us clean.
Meaning of All Those That Pass By To Jesus Draw Near
All Those That Pass By, Draw Near to Jesus: Embracing Salvation, Grace, and the Power of Love
In this uplifting hymn, the words express a heartfelt invitation from Jesus to all who pass by. He eagerly extends His hands, longing to retrieve sinners from the clutches of hell. His desire is to receive them with grace and mercy. It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself the vilest or the worst, for Jesus welcomes you with open arms.
Just like a person who is thirsty and longs to drink water, Jesus offers something even more fulfilling the Spirit. No one is excluded from this invitation. All can partake in the nourishment, comfort, and guidance that the Spirit provides. There is no discrimination; everyone is given the opportunity to claim the merits of Jesus and find happiness in Him.
Believing in Jesus and receiving His life-giving Word is the key that unlocks a pure river of life within each believer. This river springs up to the skies, symbolizing the growth and blossoming of faith, hope, and love. It is an abundant source of spiritual life that fills the heart and overflows with blessings. By accepting Jesus as God and Lord, we open ourselves to the power of transformation and the wonders of His grace.
When we respond to Jesus’ call and put our trust in His promises, our souls find solace and security. We rely on His invitation, knowing that salvation comes through His grace alone. It is not something we can earn or deserve; rather, it is a precious gift that we willingly accept. With a thirst for salvation, we embrace the overflowing grace offered by Jesus, aware that it can satisfy our deepest cravings.
As we eagerly anticipate the hour of redemption, we humbly ask for the Spirit’s presence and influence in our lives. We long for the Spirit’s power, health, and love to permeate our being. We desire the fear of God, which is a reverent awe that guides us in wise decision-making and fosters a deep relationship with Him. We seek knowledge, understanding, and a connection with the divine. And we yearn for the joy and praise that stems from a life lived in alignment with God’s will.
The Spirit’s active role in our lives is transformative. It equips us with faith in the saving power of Jesus’ blood, freeing us from the burden of sin that hinders our relationship with God. This cleansing blood removes the mountains of guilt, shame, and regret, providing a fresh start that heralds a new dawn. The Spirit opens a fountain of purity, washing away our transgressions and making us clean before God.
As we join in this hymn and sing the praises of Jesus, let us remember the invitation He extends to all who pass by. It is a call to embrace salvation, to become vessels of His grace, and to experience the power of His love. May we eagerly draw near to Jesus, drink from the spiritual wellspring He offers, and allow the Spirit to transform us into flourishing believers. With hearts full of faith, knowledge, and gratitude, let us find true happiness in the embrace of our Savior.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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