Alone With Jesus Blessed Thought – Hymn Lyric

Find joy and comfort in being alone with Jesus. This hymn explores the peace and love that comes from His presence. Discover solace and guidance in your daily life with Jesus by your side. Join the chorus of the saints in eternal praise.

Alone With Jesus Blessed Thought – Hymn Lyric

“Alone With Jesus Blessed Thought” explores the profound and comfort that comes from being in the presence of Jesus. This hymn reminds us of the tranquility and assurance we can find when we confide in Him, and how our souls can find solace and rest in His loving arms. By cultivating a personal relationship with Him, we can experience His presence and in everything we do, leading us to an eternity spent praising and glorifying Him.


Alone With Jesus Blessed Thought – Hymn Lyric

Alone with Jesus – blessed tho’t,
With holy fraught;
No human tongue can tell the joy
Which fills my heart without alloy.

Alone with Jesus, oh, how sweet
To sit like Mary at His feet;
Confiding all without a fear,
Bathing His feet with grateful tear.

Alone with Jesus – Sabbath eve,
To Him with all my soul I ;
He draws me closely to His heart,
And whispers, “We shall never part.”

Living with Jesus here below,
Then with Him I shall gladly go,
To dwell with all the holy throng,
And praise Him in eternal .


Meaning of Alone With Jesus Blessed Thought

Alone With Jesus Blessed Thought: Finding Joy and Comfort in His Presence

In our busy and hectic lives, finding moments of solace and peace can be quite a challenge. However, as the hymn “Alone with Jesus” beautifully expresses, there is a source of joy and consolation that surpasses all understanding. This hymn reminds us of the deep satisfaction and overwhelming peace that comes from being in the presence of Jesus.

When we are alone with Jesus, our hearts are filled with a joy that cannot be fully described or put into words. It is a blessed thought to that we can find comfort, guidance, and love in His presence. In a that often seems chaotic and uncertain, being able to turn to Jesus brings us a sense of tranquility and assurance.

Just like Mary, who sat at the feet of Jesus, we too can find solace in His presence. We can open our hearts and confide in Him without any fear of judgment or rejection. Jesus welcomes us with open arms, to listen to our joys, sorrows, doubts, and fears. He is our compassionate friend who understands us completely and loves us unconditionally.

Alone with Jesus on a Sabbath eve, we have the opportunity to experience a deep connection with Him. As we come before Him with our whole being, we feel His embrace and His whisper assuring us that we will never be separated from Him. In this special time, our souls cleave to Him, finding solace and rest in His loving arms.

It is not only in these solitary moments, but also in our daily lives, that we can live with Jesus by our side. By cultivating a personal relationship with Him, we can experience His presence and guidance in everything we do. We can rely on His strength and wisdom to navigate the challenges and triumphs of life. Just as the hymn suggests, when we live with Jesus here below, we can look forward to an eternity spent with Him in the company of the saints, praising and glorifying Him through eternal song.

The idea of being alone with Jesus can be interpreted in various ways. It can mean finding a quiet space to reflect and , immersing ourselves in His Word and seeking His guidance. It can also mean being fully present in our daily interactions, seeking to see and serve Jesus in others. When we embrace the blessed thought of being alone with Jesus, we realize that He is always with us, offering His love and guidance in every aspect of our lives.

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In conclusion, the hymn “Alone with Jesus” encapsulates the beauty and depth of finding joy and comfort in His presence. It reminds us that when we are alone with Jesus, we can experience a blessed thought that brings peace, solace, and unwavering love. By living with Jesus here below, we can look forward to a future spent with Him, joining the chorus of the heavenly throng in eternal praise. May this hymn and its message touch the hearts of those seeking a deeper connection with Jesus, and may we all find solace and joy in being alone with Him, our faithful and ever-present .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find joy and comfort in being alone with Jesus. This hymn explores the peace and love that comes from His presence. Discover solace and guidance in your daily life with Jesus by your side. Join the chorus of the saints in eternal praise.


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