Alone With Jesus O How Sweet – Hymn Lyric

Alone With Jesus: A Time of Sweet Communion and Comfort

Alone With Jesus O How Sweet – Hymn Lyric

“Alone With Jesus: A Time of Sweet and Comfort” takes us into a special space where we can intimately connect with Jesus and find solace from the busyness of . Through heartfelt conversation and humble confession, we experience peace and joy in His presence. This hymn reminds us of the immeasurable blessings and inner tranquility that come from being alone with Jesus.


Alone With Jesus O How Sweet – Hymn Lyric

Alone with Jesus! Oh, how sweet,
In blest communion Him to meet;
No other time to me so dear,
So full of comfort, hope, and cheer.

Alone with Jesus, all alone,
Most precious hour I’ve ever known,
My cares and sorrows all depart,
When talking with Him, to heart.

Alone with Jesus! Oh, how sweet
To sit and learn at His dear feet.
Wonder of wonders, could it be
That He’d reveal Himself to me?


Alone with Jesus! Oh, how sweet
To kneel before the -seat;
There all my weakness I ,
And Jesus stoops my soul to bless.


Alone with Jesus! Oh, how sweet,
How calm and blissful the retreat.
My troubled spirit He doth still,
With nameless peace my heart doth fill.



Meaning of Alone With Jesus O How Sweet

Alone With Jesus: A Time of Sweet Communion and Comfort

In the midst of our busy lives, there is a precious time that we can set aside to be alone with Jesus. It is a moment of solace and tranquility in which we can meet with our Lord, finding comfort, hope, and cheer.

When we step from the distractions and noise of the , we create a special space where we can intimately connect with Jesus. In this blessed communion, we can pour out our hearts to Him, knowing that we are heard and loved. It is in these moments that we experience a deep sense of peace and joy, as we realize that we are not alone.

The hymn tells us that this time alone with Jesus is “the most precious hour” we have ever known. It is a time when our cares and sorrows take a back seat, dissipating like shadows in the presence of light. When we open our hearts and engage in heartfelt conversation with Jesus, everything else fades away, leaving us feeling refreshed and renewed.

Alone with Jesus, we have the opportunity to sit at His feet and learn from Him. It is a wonder beyond comprehension that the creator of the universe, the one who holds all wisdom and knowledge, would stoop down to reveal Himself to us. Yet, in these cherished moments, He does just that. He shares His truth, His , and His , molding us into better versions of ourselves.

The hymn also speaks of kneeling before the mercy seat during this time alone with Jesus. It is a humbling experience as we acknowledge our weaknesses and shortcomings. In this intimate setting, we can confess our sins and seek His forgiveness. And in His great mercy, Jesus blesses our , granting us peace and restoration.

There is something truly calming and blissful about being alone with Jesus. In this retreat from the chaos of life, our troubled spirits find solace. It is here that all worries, anxieties, and fears are eased. The hymn describes this peace as “nameless” because words alone cannot fully capture the profound sense of tranquility that envelops our hearts and minds.

Each moment alone with Jesus is unique, filled with its own blessings and revelations. It is a time for us to pause, reflect, and draw near to the One who knows us intimately. We can bring our joys and triumphs, our fears and failures, laying them all at His feet. And in exchange, Jesus fills our hearts with His love, grace, and peace, reminding us that we are never alone.

In conclusion, the hymn “Alone With Jesus” beautifully illustrates the preciousness of our time spent in communion with Him. It reminds us of the immeasurable comfort, hope, and cheer that we can find in these moments. The lyrics also emphasize the significance of opening our hearts and engaging in heartfelt dialogue with Jesus, allowing Him to mold us, bless us, and calm our troubled spirits.

So, let us cherish and prioritize this time alone with Jesus. May we seek those moments where we can sit at His feet, knowing that in His presence, we will experience a sweet communion that surpasses words. And as we open our hearts to Him, may we find comfort, hope, and cheer that will sustain us throughout all of life’s challenges.

Alone with Jesus, indeed, how sweet it is.


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