Arise My Soul This New Years Morning – Hymn Lyric

Arise My Soul This New Year's Morning: Embrace Hope & Faith in Jesus' Name. Reflect on the past

Arise My Soul This New Years Morning – Hymn Lyric

My Soul This New Year’s Morning: Embracing Hope and Faith in Jesus’ Name As the sun rises on this New Year’s morning, we are filled with a sense of renewed hope and excitement. It is a time for us to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the year ahead. In the midst of our reflections, there may be moments of doubt and fear that creep into our minds, but we must remember that as we turn to God, He graces us with His unwavering love and support year after year. Let us arise with renewed strength and determination, embracing the hope and faith that come from knowing that God is with us every step of the way.


Arise My Soul This New Years Morning – Hymn Lyric

Arise, my soul, this New Year’s Morning
And put away all doubt and fear;
To all who unto God are turning,
He gives His grace from year to year;

He who forever is the same,
Will hear thy prayers in Jesus’ name.

When on thy path is falling,
Do not forget His love and care,
Nor shrink when He on thee is calling
With fortitude thy to bear;

In gain or loss, in or blame,
Give thanks to Him in Jesus’ name.

Oh, pray, my soul, lest thou shouldst wander
Away from God and lose His rest;
Pray that His voice from yonder
May find a hearing in thy breast,

That thou secure from sin and shame
May’st lead a life in Jesus’ name.

Though earthly hopes and joys may vanish
And clouds may oft obscure the sun,
My trust in Him I will not banish,
But pray: O God, Thy will be done!

I will His love and grace proclaim
And live and die in Jesus’ name.


Meaning of Arise My Soul This New Years Morning

Arise My Soul This New Year’s Morning: Embracing Hope and Faith in Jesus’ Name

As the sun rises on this New Year’s morning, we are filled with a sense of renewed hope and excitement. It is a time for us to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the year ahead. In the midst of our reflections, there may be moments of doubt and fear that creep into our minds, but we must remember that as we turn to God, He graces us with His unwavering love and support year after year.

God is constant and unchanging, always to hear our prayers. His love and care surround us like the warmth of the sunlight on our path. So, let us not forget to acknowledge and appreciate His presence in our lives. In times of trial and hardship, when we may feel overwhelmed, let us not shrink away from Him, but instead gather the strength to bear our crosses and keep moving forward.

In every aspect of our lives, whether in times of prosperity or adversity, we must give thanks to God. He is the giver of all things, and it is through Jesus’ name that we find solace and blessings. Let our gratitude be our guiding as we navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

is our connection to God, and we should never underestimate its power. It is through prayer that we communicate with Him, share our hopes and fears, and seek His guidance. In a that often tempts us away from our faith and peace, it is essential to remain steadfast and devoted to God’s teachings. By nurturing a consistent prayer life, we keep our souls aligned with His plan, protecting ourselves from straying into darkness.

To live a life rooted in Jesus’ name is to surrender ourselves to His love and grace. It is through this surrender that we find freedom from sin and shame. We must continually strive to be better, not only for ourselves but also as a testament to the power of Jesus’ name. By leading a life centered on Him, we become beacons of His light to others, inspiring them to seek the same path of love and redemption.

This journey may not always be easy. Earthly hopes and joys may fade away, and clouds of uncertainty and challenges may obscure the brightness of our lives. Yet, through it all, our trust in God should never waver. We must remember to pray, “O God, Thy will be done!” Trusting that God’s plan is greater than our own brings us peace and comfort even in the midst of life’s storms.

As we embark on this New Year’s morning, let us resolve to proclaim God’s love and grace to all we encounter. In our words and actions, may we reflect His light and navigate this journey with unwavering faith. Living and dying in Jesus’ name is a testament to the bond we share with Him, a bond that transcends time and brings us everlasting joy.

So, my dear soul, as we bid farewell to the old year and embrace the new one, let us arise with renewed strength and determination. Embrace the hope and faith that come from knowing that God is with us every step of the way. Release any doubts and fears that hold us back, for in Jesus’ name, we find the courage to face whatever lies ahead. Trust in His plan, cherish His love, and let us make this New Year a year of unwavering devotion and gratitude.

Arise, my soul, this New Year’s morning, and let us embark on this journey together, hand in hand with our Heavenly Father. May His grace guide us, His love sustain us, and His name be forever praised. Let this be our prayer as we step into the exciting unknown of the New Year, fully trusting that God’s blessings will abound.

May you have a blessed and joyous New Year, living and thriving in Jesus’ name!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Arise My Soul This New Year's Morning: Embrace Hope & Faith in Jesus' Name. Reflect on the past, face the future with courage. Trust in God's grace & find solace in prayer. Live and thrive in Jesus' name!


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