Awake My Soul Tune Every String – Hymn Lyric

Awake your soul and tune every string to praise God

Awake My Soul Tune Every String – Hymn Lyric

“Awake My Soul, Tune Every String” invites us to praise God with every fiber of our being. From the story of ‘s birth and life to his death, resurrection, ascension, and intercession, this hymn tells of the incredible love and sacrifice of our . Let us join in the melody and proclaim the good news to the world.


Awake My Soul Tune Every String – Hymn Lyric

Part I

Christ’s birth and life:
Awake, my soul, tune every string,
In God thy Savior’s praise,
Join with the heavenly hosts and sing
The highest notes they raise.

Tell how the glorious Son of God,
Forsook the of bliss,
Descended to our guilty world,
Proclaiming life and peace.

Angelic hosts declare his birth,
“Glory to God on high,
Good will to men and peace on earth!
Behold the Savior nigh!

“To Bethlehem’s city quick repair,”
Th’ ethereal spirits cry,
“And see the promised Savior there,
Low in a manger lie.

“With humble faith and holy fear
Go visit Christ your king.”
Their heavenly notes the shepherds hear,
And join the praise they sing.

On Jordan’s banks the God
His birth divine declares;
“This is my son!” Lo! on his head
The heavenly dove appears.

Holy his life, his doctrines true;
(How bright the godhead shone!)
Diseases heard and Satan knew,
That what he spake was done.

Part II

Christ’s death, resurrection ascension and intercession:
Behold the Savior on the tree,
With arms extended wide!
From death a sinful world to free,
He groaned, and bled, and died!

The sun astonished veiled its face,
When the Creator bled;
His groans the earth and rocks displace,
And the sleeping dead.

But when the appointed hour was come,
The sleeping Savior wakes;
Behold! he rises from the tomb,
And death a captive makes.

On the eternal God’s right hand
The great Redeemer sits;
Both heaven and earth to his command
The Father now commits.

Our advocate himself he stiles,
The sinner’s cause he pleads,
Through him the Father looks and smiles,
While thus he intercedes.

Whom once he loves he’ll ne’er forget,
His counsels guide them still;
His grace their weary souls will seat
On heavens eternal hill.

Reviving though! then humble soul,
With courage venture on!
Though earth and against thee roll,
In Christ the battle’s won.


Meaning of Awake My Soul Tune Every String

Awake, my soul! Tune every string of your to praise God, your Savior. Join in with the heavenly hosts and sing the highest notes of praise that they raise. Let us tell the story of Christ’s birth and life, for it is truly a tale of wonder and joy.

Imagine, the glorious Son of God, who dwelled in heavenly realms of eternal bliss, chose to leave his divine home and come to our guilty world. He came proclaiming life and peace, offering salvation and to all who would listen. The angelic hosts themselves declared his birth, singing out, “Glory to God on high! Good will to men and peace on earth! Behold, the Savior is near!”

Can you picture the scene? The ethereal spirits urging the people of Bethlehem to hasten to the city and witness the promised Savior lying lowly in a manger. How incredible it must have been for the shepherds to hear these heavenly notes and join in the praise of the . They followed the call with humble faith and holy fear, visiting Christ their king.

But the story of Christ’s life does not end with his humble birth. Oh no, far from it! He lived a holy life, his teachings shining with truth and wisdom. His very presence could heal diseases and cast out demons. Everything he spoke came to pass because he possessed the power of the godhead.

Part II of our hymn takes us to the moment where Christ, with his arms extended wide, hangs upon the tree. He groans, he bleeds, and he dies. Can you imagine the sun itself being amazed and veiling its face at the Creator’s suffering? Even the earth trembled, and the rocks were moved by his anguish, awakening the sleeping dead.

But just as the appointed hour arrived, the sleeping Savior woke! Behold, he rises from the tomb, conquering death and becoming its captive. He is victorious! Now seated at the right hand of the eternal God, he has authority over both heaven and earth. The Father has entrusted all things to him.

Not only is Christ our Savior, but he is also our advocate. He intercedes on our behalf, our cause before the Father. Through him, the Father looks upon us with love and smiles. He never forgets those whom he loves, guiding them with his counsel and showering them with grace. He grants weary souls a seat on the eternal hills of heaven.

So, dear soul, take heart and be courageous! Even if the world and all its troubles are against you, know that in Christ, the battle is already won. His resurrection and ascension have secured our victory. Let the melody of this hymn echo in your soul, reminding you of the incredible love and sacrifice of our Savior.

Remember, you are not alone. The heavenly hosts sing alongside you, praising God’s glory. Let your voice soar, as you testify to the world the good news of Christ’s birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and intercession. May this hymn awaken your soul and tune every string in a symphony of praise to our wonderful Savior.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Awake your soul and tune every string to praise God, your Savior. Join the heavenly hosts in singing the highest notes, telling the story of Christ's miraculous birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and intercession. Let this hymn awaken your soul and fill you with joy.


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