Awake O Zion Hear The Tidings Ring – Hymn Lyric


Awake O Zion Hear The Tidings Ring – Hymn Lyric



Awake O Zion Hear The Tidings Ring – Hymn Lyric

Awake, O , hear the ,
The Bridegroom is coming, thy King;
Then haste thee, O hasten thyself to prepare,
And go at the summons to meet Him in the air.

For lo! “at midnight a cry” loud and long
Will ring thro’ the stillness o’er earth’s sleeping throng;
Go out, meet the King, O make haste to arise,
And be with the Bridegroom and bride in the skies.

Look thou tow’rd the hills, lo! the morning breaks;
The last call is sounding, the world awakes;
Rejoice then, O Zion, the beams of His light
Will scatter the darkness of earth’s long, weary night.


Dear soul, have thy robes washed in Jesus’ blood,
And walk in the glory of His blest word;
Thy lamps keep well-trimmed, and each day burning bright,
The vessels filled ever with oil to yield the light.


Then shout, O Zion, lift the voice and sing,
And go out to meet Him your Savior, King;
When all things are ready He’ll come for His own,
And gather the ransomed into the harvest-home.



Meaning of Awake O Zion Hear The Tidings Ring

Awake, O Zion! Can you hear the joyful news ringing through the air? The Bridegroom is coming! Behold your King! It’s time to prepare yourself and eagerly respond to the call, for He is summoning you to meet Him in the air.

In this hymn, we are reminded of the anticipation and excitement that should fill our hearts as we wait for the return of our Savior. Just as a bride eagerly her groom on her wedding day, so too should we eagerly anticipate the arrival of our Bridegroom, Jesus .

The hymn encourages us to respond to this call with urgency. Just as a cry rings out at midnight, waking the sleeping throng, so too should we wake up from our spiritual slumber and make haste to meet our King. We are reminded that the time is now, the morning breaks, and the world awakes to the final call. It is a time of rejoicing for Zion, for the beams of His light will scatter the darkness of this weary world’s long night.

But how do we prepare ourselves for the coming of the Bridegroom? The hymn offers us some guidance. First and foremost, we are urged to have our robes washed in Jesus’ blood. This means accepting His forgiveness and salvation, recognizing that it is only through His sacrifice that we can be made clean. It is a reminder to constantly walk in the glory of His Word, allowing His teachings to guide our lives.

The hymn also emphasizes the importance of keeping our lamps well-trimmed and burning bright. Just as a lamp requires oil to yield light, so too do our hearts require the Holy Spirit to shine His light through us. We must continually seek His presence and be filled with His power and love.

The message of the hymn reaches its crescendo as it urges Zion to shout, lift their voices, and sing in celebration of the Bridegroom’s coming. It is a call to go out and meet Him, our Savior and King. And when all things are ready, He will come for His beloved, gathering the ransomed and bringing them into the glorious harvest-home.

As we reflect on the lyrics of this hymn, there are several key concepts that stand out. First, there is a sense of urgency in our response to the call of the Bridegroom. We are reminded that the time is now and that we must be ready to meet Him at any moment.

Second, there is a focus on preparation. We are encouraged to wash our robes in Jesus’ blood, walking in the light of His Word, and keeping our lamps burning bright. This preparation is not a one-time event but rather an ongoing process as we seek to grow in our faith and deepen our relationship with Christ.

Third, there is a call to rejoice and celebrate. The hymn reminds us that the coming of the Bridegroom is a cause for great and celebration. We are encouraged to shout, lift our voices, and sing in anticipation of that glorious day when we will be reunited with our Savior and King.

In conclusion, “Awake, O Zion, hear the tidings ring” is a heartfelt hymn that calls us to prepare ourselves for the coming of our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. It reminds us of the urgency of our response, the for spiritual preparation, and the joy that awaits us when He returns. May we the call, eagerly await His coming, and be found ready when He appears in the sky.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Awake, O Zion! Prepare to meet your King in the air. The joyful news is ringing. Anticipate His arrival with urgency, cleansing yourself in Jesus' blood and keeping your lamps burning bright. Rejoice and sing, for the Bridegroom is coming!


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