Awake The Loud Trumpet – Hymn Lyric

Awake The Loud Trumpet: Celebrate Freedom in Christ - Rejoice in the Savior's victory and the redemption of sinners. Share the joy and proclaim the good news of liberation in this powerful hymn.

Awake The Loud Trumpet – Hymn Lyric



Awake The Loud Trumpet – Hymn Lyric

Awake the loud trumpet, the glad jubilee,
Proclaim it on triumph, the captives are free;
The day of redemption for sinners has ,
The ransomed of Zion return to their home.

Resound the glad tidings o’er land and o’er sea,
The Savior has conquered, his people are free;
Resound the glad tidings o’er land and o’er sea,
The Savior has conquered, his people are free.

Break forth into singing, be , O earth,
Exalt the Redeemer, his goodness and worth;
And publish abroad his adorable name,
With song and with shouting his honors proclaim. [Refrain]

The Son hath delivered the wretched, oppressed,
And given the burdened and sorrowing rest;
His arm has salvation and victory wrought,
His blood and redemption and liberty bought. [Refrain]

With cymbals and songs and harp of sweet sound,
The fame and the glory of Christ spread around;
With and triumph re-echo his praise,
Extol and adore him in jubilant lays.

Meaning of Awake The Loud Trumpet

Awake The Loud Trumpet: A Hymn of and Freedom

In this hymn, we are called to awaken the loud trumpet and proclaim the glad jubilee. It is a triumphant call to celebrate the freedom of the captives and the day of redemption for sinners. The ransomed of Zion are returning to their home, and the joy is overflowing.

As we resound the glad tidings over land and sea, we are reminded that the Savior has conquered. His people are now free. This powerful message of liberation is one that should be shared and celebrated with fervor. It is a message that brings hope and reminds us of the victory we have in Christ.

The hymn encourages us to break forth into singing and be joyful, for the Redeemer is of all our praise. His goodness and worth are beyond measure, and we should publish abroad his adorable name. Through song and shouting, we can proclaim his honors and magnify his name.

We are reminded that the Son has delivered the wretched and oppressed, providing them with rest and relief from their burdens and . He has brought salvation and victory through his mighty arm. His blood has bought redemption and liberty for all who believe in him. This is a cause for rejoicing and thanksgiving.

The hymn calls for the spreading of Christ’s fame and glory with cymbals, songs, and the sweet sound of the harp. It is a call to action, urging us to make known the goodness and greatness of our Savior. With gladness and triumph, we are to re-echo his praise and extol and adore him in jubilant lays.

When we think about the meaning behind this hymn, we may find ourselves reflecting on our own lives and the freedom we have in Christ. Just as the ransomed of Zion were set free, we too have been set free from the bondage of . We are no longer held captive by our past mistakes or shortcomings. Instead, we have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus and given a identity in him.

This freedom should fill our hearts with joy and gratitude. It is a freedom that goes beyond any earthly constraints or limitations. The hymn reminds us that our freedom comes from the One who loved us so much that he gave his life for us. It is a freedom that is eternal and encompasses every aspect of our being.

As we sing this hymn, we are not only celebrating our own freedom, but we are also proclaiming the good news to others. We are sharing the incredible of God’s love and redemption. We are inviting others to join us in the joy and freedom we have found in Christ.

In conclusion, “Awake The Loud Trumpet” is a hymn that speaks to the joy and freedom we have in Christ. It calls us to celebrate and share the good news of our Savior’s victory. Let us embrace this message of liberation and live in the fullness of God’s love. May our voices resound with praise and our lives reflect the transformation that comes from knowing Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Awake The Loud Trumpet: Celebrate Freedom in Christ - Rejoice in the Savior's victory and the redemption of sinners. Share the joy and proclaim the good news of liberation in this powerful hymn.


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