Be Thou Supreme O Jesus Christ – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful hymn "Be Thou Supreme O Jesus Christ." Explore the profound love and authority of Jesus that surpasses all else. Surrender to his supremacy and experience true joy and transformation in your life.

Be Thou Supreme O Jesus Christ – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Be Supreme, O Jesus Christ,” the author and exalts Jesus above all else. The words of this hymn remind us of the incredible love and power that Jesus possesses, and the impact that he can have on our lives. This hymn calls us to recognize and surrender to the supremacy of Jesus in our lives, acknowledging that nothing else can compare to his love and power.


Be Thou Supreme O Jesus Christ – Hymn Lyric

Be Thou supreme,
O Jesus Christ,
Nor creed, nor form, nor word,
Nor holy , nor human love,
Compare with , my Lord.

Be Thou supreme,
O Jesus Christ,
love has conquered me;
Beneath Thy cross I die to self,
And live alone to Thee.

Be Thou supreme,
O Jesus Christ,
My inmost being fill;
So shall I think as Thou dost think,
And will as Thou dost will.

Be Thou supreme,
O Jesus Christ,
Thy life transfigure mine;
And through this veil of mortal flesh,
Lord, let Thy splendors .

Be Thou supreme,
O Jesus Christ,
My soul exults in Thee;
To be Thy , to do Thy will,
Is my felicity.


Meaning of Be Thou Supreme O Jesus Christ

In the hymn “Be Thou Supreme, O Jesus Christ,” the author praises and exalts Jesus above all else. The words of this hymn remind us of the incredible love and power that Jesus possesses, and the impact that he can have on our lives.

The first verse declares, “Be Thou supreme, O Jesus Christ, nor creed, nor form, nor word, nor holy church, nor human love, compare with Thee, my Lord.” This verse emphasizes that nothing else in the can compare to Jesus. Not our beliefs, our traditions, our words, our churches, or even our closest relationships. Jesus is above all of these things, and his authority and love surpass anything we can find in this world.

The second verse continues this theme, stating, “Thy love has conquered me; beneath Thy cross I die to self, and live alone to Thee.” Here, the hymn highlights Jesus’ love as a transformative force in our lives. It is through his love, demonstrated by his sacrifice on the cross, that we are able to let go of our own selfish desires and live for him alone. Jesus’ love has the power to change our hearts and redirect our lives towards him.

In the third verse, the author prays, “Be Thou supreme, O Jesus Christ, my inmost being fill; so shall I think as Thou dost think, and will as Thou dost will.” This verse emphasizes the desire to be aligned with Jesus in every aspect of our lives. We long to have our thoughts and desires in line with his, to see the world through his eyes, and to have our will be in accordance with his. This is a plea for Jesus to be at the center of our being, guiding our every thought and decision.

The fourth verse describes the impact of Jesus’ supremacy in our lives, stating, “Thy life transfigure mine; and through this veil of mortal flesh, Lord, let Thy splendors shine.” Here, the hymn acknowledges that Jesus’ supremacy has the power to transform us from the inside out. Just as Jesus’ life shone with splendor and glory, we long for his light to shine through us, even in our mortal bodies. We recognize that it is through Jesus’ supremacy that we can experience true transformation and reflect his glory to the world around us.

The final verse expresses the writer’s joy and surrender to Jesus, saying, “My soul exults in Thee; to be Thy slave, to do Thy will, is my felicity.” The word “felicity” means great happiness or joy, and in this verse, the author acknowledges that true joy is found in serving Jesus and surrendering to his will. The hymn acknowledges that being a servant of Jesus brings the deepest satisfaction and fulfillment, as we align ourselves with his purposes and desires for our lives.

In conclusion, the hymn “Be Thou Supreme, O Jesus Christ” calls us to recognize and surrender to the supremacy of Jesus in our lives. It reminds us that nothing else can compare to his love and power, and that living for him alone brings true joy and transformation. As we sing these words and meditate on their meaning, may we be reminded of the incredible privilege and blessing it is to serve Jesus, and may our hearts be filled with gratitude and for our supreme Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful hymn Be Thou Supreme O Jesus Christ. Explore the profound love and authority of Jesus that surpasses all else. Surrender to his supremacy and experience true joy and transformation in your life.


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