Bearing with Us the Dying of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the soul-constraining power of the cross in "Bearing with Us the Dying of Jesus." Find strength

Bearing with Us the Dying of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Bearing with Us the Dying of ,” we are encouraged to embrace the transformative power of ‘s cross in our daily lives. It reminds us to turn to the cross in moments of laziness, seek forgiveness, resist temptation, and find strength in times of pain. This hymn reminds us of the and that Jesus made for us, and urges us to never forget its soul-constraining power.


Bearing with Us the Dying of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Not in this simple rite alone,
May Calvary’s cross to us be shown.
But may we turn, in many an hour,
To feel its soul-constraining power.

When indolence would have its will,
And selfish ease would keep us still,
Then to the Saviour may we look,
And meet his eye’s serene rebuke.

When men have done us cruel wrong,
And angry thoughts are rising strong,
May we with softened hearts turn there,
And learn the ‘s forgiving prayer.

When looks tempting in our eyes,
May Jesus on the cross arise.
And ask if we will him forsake,
And wear the chains he died to break.

When pain, or sickness, or distress,
Our fainting souls would overpress,
To him on Calvary looking still,
May we find strength to bear ‘s will.


Meaning of Bearing with Us the Dying of Jesus

Bearing with Us the Dying of Jesus

In this hymn, we find a powerful message that goes beyond a simple religious ritual. It speaks to the importance of truly understanding and experiencing the significance of Calvary’s cross in our lives. The words remind us that we should not only reflect on the cross during specific religious observances, but rather, we should turn to it in many moments and allow it to transform us.

Often, when we are tempted to give in to our laziness and seek selfish comfort, the hymn urges us to look to the Savior. His serene gaze serves as a gentle reminder, encouraging us to above our tendency towards indolence and embrace a more selfless way of living. We are called to confront our shortcomings and find the strength to overcome them by considering the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross.

Similarly, the hymn speaks to the challenge of forgiving those who have wronged us. In moments when anger rises within us, we are encouraged to soften our hearts and turn to the cross. It is there that we find the example of Jesus, who prayed for forgiveness for those who crucified Him. Through His forgiveness, we can learn how to let go of our own anger and extend grace to others.

Additionally, the hymn reminds us of the power of the cross in resisting temptation. When we are tempted to engage in sinful behavior, the image of Jesus on the cross should spring forth in our minds. We should ask ourselves whether we are willing to turn away from Him and abandon the freedom He died to give us. The hymn challenges us to embrace the cross as a symbol of liberation and as a reminder of the price Jesus paid for our redemption.

Moreover, the cross is not only relevant in times of temptation but also in times of pain, sickness, and distress. When our souls feel overwhelmed by the weight of our burdens, we can find solace and strength in turning to Jesus on Calvary. He endured unimaginable suffering and can sympathize with our pain. By keeping our focus on Him, we can find the resilience to bear God’s will, even when it seems unbearable.

In conclusion, the hymn “Bearing with Us the Dying of Jesus” beckons us to seek a deeper understanding of Calvary’s cross and its significance in our lives. It calls us to look beyond a mere ritualistic observance and to embrace the transformative power of the cross in every aspect of our existence. Whether we are battling our own laziness, seeking forgiveness, resisting temptation, or facing trials, the cross is a constant reminder of God’s love and sacrifice for us. May we never forget to turn to it and embrace its soul-constraining power.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the soul-constraining power of the cross in Bearing with Us the Dying of Jesus. Find strength, forgiveness, and liberation in every aspect of life. Embrace its transformative message.


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