Behold The Amazing Gift Of Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible gift of love - being called sons of God. Embrace the hope and future glory that awaits. Cherish this amazing gift! Behold The Amazing Gift Of Love.

Behold The Amazing Gift Of Love – Hymn Lyric

The Amazing Gift Of Love” is a hymn that highlights the incredible love and that has given us. It reminds us of the privilege of being called sons of God and the hope we have for a glorious future. This gift of love sustains us through trials and challenges, shaping us to live lives marked by love and holiness.


Behold The Amazing Gift Of Love – Hymn Lyric

Behold the amazing gift of love
The Father hath bestowed
On us, the sinful sons of men,
To call us sons of God!

Concealed as yet this honor lies,
By this world unknown,
A world that knew not when He came,
Even God’s eternal Son.

High is the rank we now possess;
But higher we shall ;
Though what we shall hereafter be
Is hid from mortal eyes.

Our , we , when He appears,
Shall bear His image bright;
For all His glory, full disclosed,
Shall open to our sight.

A hope so great, and so divine,
May trials well endure;
And purge the soul from sense and sin,
As Christ Himself is pure.


Meaning of Behold The Amazing Gift Of Love

Behold The Amazing Gift Of Love

In this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible gift of love that God the Father has given to us, the sinful sons of men – the gift of being called sons of God. It is a gift that is often concealed and unknown to the dark world in which we live, a world that may not recognize or understand the greatness of God’s eternal Son.

Though we may not fully comprehend it, we now possess a high rank as children of God. But it is important to remember that there is still a higher rank we shall rise to in the future, a rank that is currently hidden from mortal eyes. This gives us hope and anticipation for what lies ahead.

When Christ appears again, our souls will bear His image bright. We will be transformed to reflect His glory, and all His magnificence will be fully revealed to our sight. This is a hope so great and so divine that it can sustain us through trials and difficulties. Just as Christ Himself is pure, this hope can purify our souls, removing any impurities and renewing our spirits.

To truly understand the significance of this amazing gift of love, we to delve into the story of God’s redemptive plan. It all began in the Garden of Eden, where sin entered the world through Adam and Eve. This sin separated us from God, and we became sinful and imperfect beings.

But God, in His great love and mercy, had a plan to reconcile us back to Himself. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to be born as a human and live among us. Jesus lived a perfect and sinless life, serving as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He willingly laid down His life on the cross, paying the price for our redemption.

Through in Jesus and acceptance of His sacrifice, we can experience the amazing gift of love that the hymn speaks of. We can be adopted as God’s children, called sons and daughters of the Most High. This is a privilege that is not based on our own merits or actions, but solely on God’s grace and love for us.

As children of God, we are called to live in a way that honors and reflects our Father. We are called to love one another, forgive as we have been forgiven, and strive for holiness. This transformative power of God’s love can shape our character and actions.

The hymn also reminds us that this amazing gift of love carries with it the promise of a glorious future. While we may not fully understand what that future holds, we can trust in God’s goodness and faithfulness. We can have confidence that whatever lies ahead will be beyond our wildest imagination, for our heavenly Father delights in giving good gifts to His children.

As we navigate through life’s trials and challenges, we can hold on to the hope and assurance that comes from knowing we are beloved children of God. The hymn encourages us to endure these trials with patience, knowing that they serve a greater purpose in refining and purifying our souls. Just as fire purges impurities from gold, so too can trials purify our hearts and draw us closer to God.

In conclusion, the hymn “Behold The Amazing Gift Of Love” reminds us of the incredible love and grace that God has bestowed upon us. It speaks of the privilege of being called sons of God, a rank that is only surpassed by the future glory that awaits us. This hope sustains us through trials and challenges, enabling us to live lives marked by love, forgiveness, and holiness. May we always cherish and celebrate this amazing gift of love that comes from our heavenly Father.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible gift of love - being called sons of God. Embrace the hope and future glory that awaits. Cherish this amazing gift! Behold The Amazing Gift Of Love.


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