Beside The Still Waters O Father My God – Hymn Lyric

Come find peace and guidance in God's Word. "Beside The Still Waters O Father My God" hymn reminds us of the blessings that come from seeking God's presence. Drink deeply from His wellspring of grace

Beside The Still Waters O Father My God – Hymn Lyric

“Beside The Still O Father My God” is a hymn that highlights the peace and found in seeking God’s Word. In a filled with busyness and distractions, the hymn reminds us of the solace and nourishment that from turning to our Father. Through His presence, we find rest, enlightenment, and an abundance of blessings.


Beside The Still Waters O Father My God – Hymn Lyric

Beside the still waters, oh Father, my God,
There lead me, there feed me, there show me Thy Word;
There give me Thy counsel, there grant me Thy peace,
There make all my sorrows and wanderings cease.

Beside the still waters, enlighten my eye,
That I may walk worthily when Thou art nigh;
Cleanse me from presumption, my heart render pure,
Keep me from transgression and make my sure.

Beside the still waters, oh bountiful store,
I drink from their plenty and thirst nevermore;
No more I am weary when there I may rest,
And feel with Thy mercy and love I am blessed.

Beside the still waters, Thy goodness is there,
Protects me from danger, preserves me from care;
For pain has no terror and death has no sting,
While Thou art so near me, my Lord and my king.


Meaning of Beside The Still Waters O Father My God

Beside The Still Waters: Finding Peace and Guidance in God’s Word

In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced world, it can be challenging to find a moment of serenity. We often find ourselves swept up in a whirlwind of responsibilities and distractions, leaving us feeling lost, overwhelmed, and thirsty for something more. Thankfully, we have a source of solace and guidance – the still waters provided by our Heavenly Father. In the beautiful hymn, “Beside The Still Waters O Father My God,” we are reminded of the countless blessings and assurances that come from seeking God’s presence and Word.

The first verse of the hymn beckons our Heavenly Father to lead us to the still waters. Just like a loving shepherd leads his sheep to calm and refreshing streams, God invites us to partake in His and nourishment. In these tranquil moments, we can quench our spiritual thirst and find guidance for our journey. It is in these peaceful waters that we can draw near to God and find direction for our lives.

As we drink from the abundance of God’s Word, our spiritual vision becomes enlightened. We learn how to live lives worthy of God’s presence and favor. In the second verse of the hymn, we are reminded of the importance of cleansing our hearts and minds from presumption. Presumption leads to arrogance and a misplaced sense of self-reliance. Only by surrendering ourselves to God’s guidance and purifying our hearts can we walk faithfully in His footsteps.

Beside the still waters, we find respite and rejuvenation. Our weariness fades as we rest in the assurance of God’s mercy and love. The hymn beautifully captures the sentiment of feeling blessed and protected by God’s presence. In a world where pain and fear can seem overwhelming, the knowledge that God is near brings comfort and strength. With Him by our side, we not fear danger or worry about the uncertainties of life; He preserves us and carries us through.

The title of the hymn, “Beside The Still Waters O Father My God,” emphasizes the personal and intimate relationship we have with our Heavenly Father. Just as a child runs to their father for protection and care, so too can we seek solace in God’s loving presence. The hymn expresses our reliance on Him – our Father – and acknowledges His kingship in our lives. By acknowledging God’s authority and seeking His counsel, all our sorrows and wanderings can cease, replaced by a deep sense of peace and contentment.

Beside the still waters, we find not only peace and guidance, but also an overwhelming abundance of goodness. God’s provision is limitless, and we never thirst for His presence again. The hymn paints a picture of God’s bountiful store and the unending nourishment it provides. We are invited to drink deeply from His wellspring of , love, and wisdom, knowing that our spiritual thirst will always be quenched.

In conclusion, “Beside The Still Waters O Father My God” is a hymn that encapsulates the longing and desire for peace, guidance, and the assurance of God’s presence. It speaks to the depths of our , reminding us of the countless blessings and provisions that come from seeking God’s Word. By turning to Him in our weariness, He offers rest and rejuvenation. By seeking His wisdom, our paths become illuminated. By acknowledging His authority, we find peace and protection. May we always remember the invitation to come beside the still waters and experience the transformative power of God’s presence in our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Come find peace and guidance in God's Word. Beside The Still Waters O Father My God hymn reminds us of the blessings that come from seeking God's presence. Drink deeply from His wellspring of grace, love, and wisdom. Find rest and rejuvenation.


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