Bless The Lord O My Soul And Forget – Hymn Lyric

Bless The Lord O My Soul And Forget His Mercies Never - A hymn reminding us to speak His name

Bless The Lord O My Soul And Forget – Hymn Lyric



Bless The Lord O My Soul And Forget – Hymn Lyric

Bless the , O my soul,
And forget His mercies never;
Speak His name, blessed name,
For He lives to forever.
He is just, wise and good,
Strong and mighty to deliver;
He is strong, He is kind,
And of ev’ry gift the Giver.

With , aringing,
Nature joining in the song of adoration;
Victorious, ever glorious,
He hath given us a wonderful salvation.

In His lie the hills;
It was He who formed the mountains;
And His voice can be heard
In the music of the fountains.
Lo! the sea and the storm
Answer when His word is spoken;
Patient He, ever true,
And His word shall not be broken.


Bless the Lord, O my soul,
Come before Him with thanksgiving;
Prove His love and His grace
By a clean and righteous living.
Learn of Him, follow Him,
To the world make known the story
Of His love and His pow’r,
Of His grace and matchless glory.


Meaning of Bless The Lord O My Soul And Forget

Bless The Lord O My Soul And Forget His Mercies Never

In times of and times of sorrow, it is important to remember to bless the Lord and never forget His mercies. The hymn “Bless the Lord, O my soul” beautifully captures this sentiment. It is a reminder to constantly speak His name, for He lives to reign forever.

The lyrics of the hymn describe the characteristics of the Lord. He is just, wise, and good. He is strong and mighty to deliver. The hymn highlights His strength and , emphasizing that He is the Giver of every gift. This imagery is comforting for all who seek solace in the Lord’s presence.

The refrain of the hymn invites us to join in singing, with bells ringing and nature itself joining in the song of adoration. It paints a picture of a victorious and glorious Lord, who has given us a wonderful salvation. This refrains serves as a reminder of the power of music and worship in celebrating the Lord’s goodness.

The hymn extends its appreciation for the Lord’s creation. It reminds us that the hills and mountains, the sea and the storm, all lie in His hands. He formed the very earth we walk on, and His voice can be heard in the music of the fountains. This imagery highlights the and omnipotence of the Lord, and how His creation responds to His word.

As we continue to bless the Lord and forget His mercies never, the hymn instructs us to come before Him with thanksgiving. It urges us to prove our love for Him and His grace through living a clean and righteous life. It is not enough to simply sing ; our actions should reflect the love and grace we have received.

The hymn also emphasizes the importance of learning from the Lord and following Him. We are called to make known the story of His love and power to the world. By sharing His grace and matchless glory, we can inspire others to seek Him and experience His mercy. This verse reminds us that it is through our testimonies and actions that we can others closer to the Lord.

In conclusion, the hymn “Bless the Lord, O my soul” reminds us to bless the Lord and never forget His mercies. It encourages us to speak His name, for He lives to reign forever. The hymn beautifully describes the characteristics of the Lord — just, wise, good, strong, and kind. It highlights the power of His creation and calls us to live lives of thanksgiving and righteousness. Through following Him and sharing His love with others, we can bring glory to His name. Let us continue to bless the Lord and forget His mercies never.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Bless The Lord O My Soul And Forget His Mercies Never - A hymn reminding us to speak His name, for He lives forever. Embrace His characteristics, creation, and live with thanksgiving and righteousness. Share His love with others and bring glory to His name.


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