Blessed Redeemer I Love Thee So Well – Hymn Lyric

Find peace and solace in "Blessed Redeemer

Blessed Redeemer I Love Thee So Well – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Blessed Redeemer, I Love Thee So Well,” we are reminded of the deep love and Jesus offers, and the peace we can find in the midst of life’s storms. This hymn teaches us to trust in His guidance and find solace in His loving presence, knowing that He has the power to calm the tempests of our hearts.


Blessed Redeemer I Love Thee So Well – Hymn Lyric

Blessed Redeemer, I love Thee so well,
Thy great I never can tell;
Glory to God! it is precious, I know,
Washing me whiter than snow.

Jesus is stilling the tempest and storm;
Jesus is stilling the tempest and the storm.

Oh, it is wonderful how I am blest,
In His pavilion forever at rest;
Trusting, believing, He saith, “Peace, be still”;
Now I repose in His will.


Christ is our Captain, He’ll pilot us o’er
Life’s raging sea, to that bright, ;
‘Mid the rough billows, though fast they may come,
Safely He’ll us home.


Like a fond mother who stilleth her child,
Jesus doth say to that dark ocean wild,
“Cease from thy trouble, I say, peace, be still,”
And it obeyeth His will.


Hear the great Pilot the ocean command,
Wondrous the pow’r of Emmanuel’s ;
Be thou not fearful, though breakers should roar,
Jesus is guiding us o’er.


Meaning of Blessed Redeemer I Love Thee So Well

Blessed Redeemer, I Love Thee So Well: Finding Peace in the Midst of Storms

In the hymn “Blessed Redeemer, I Love Thee So Well,” there is a resounding message of love, trust, and finding peace in the face of life’s storms. These timeless words remind us of the unparalleled love and grace that Jesus offers to all who seek Him.

The first verse speaks of the deep love the singer has for Jesus, acknowledging the greatness of His salvation. It is described as something beyond words, precious and pure. This love is so powerful that it washes away our sins, cleansing us to be as white as snow. What a beautiful image of forgiveness and !

The refrain echoes the belief that Jesus has the power to calm the storms of life. Just as He stilled the tempest on the sea, He can still the storms of our hearts and bring us peace. It is truly wonderful to experience the blessings that come from trusting in Him. When we find rest in His presence, we can fully embrace His will for our lives.

The second verse compares Jesus to a captain, guiding us through the rough of life towards a bright and happy shore. No matter how fast the billows may come, we can trust that He will gather us safely home. This imagery reminds us that even in the midst of challenges and uncertainty, we can have confidence in Jesus as our guiding force.

The hymn continues with the analogy of Jesus as a loving mother, comfort to her child. Just as a mother calms her baby during a storm, Jesus has the power to command peace within the wild and troubled ocean of life. His will is obeyed, bringing stillness and tranquility. This reassures us that even in the midst of chaos, Jesus remains in control.

The final verse highlights the greatness of Jesus as a pilot, commanding the vast ocean with His hand. His power is truly awe-inspiring. Despite the roaring of breakers and the dangers that may surround us, we are encouraged not to fear because Jesus is guiding us. With Him at the helm, we can navigate through life’s challenges and find peace.

This hymn teaches us the importance of placing our trust in Jesus, especially during difficult times. It reminds us of His unconditional love, His ability to bring calm to our storms, and His guidance through life’s tumultuous waters. By embracing His will and leaning on His strength, we can experience the peace that surpasses all understanding.

In conclusion, “Blessed Redeemer, I Love Thee So Well” is a hymn that encapsulates the essence of finding peace and rest in Jesus. Its comforting and uplifting words resonate with believers of all ages. May we always remember that in the midst of life’s storms, we can turn to Jesus, our blessed Redeemer, and find solace in His loving arms.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find peace and solace in Blessed Redeemer, I Love Thee So Well hymn. Discover the love, grace, and guidance of Jesus in the midst of life's storms.


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